I'll be happy to!
This has been happening since the widespread adoption of vaccines in western medicine in the 1860s. (Inoculation, an early form of vaccination has been around in Chinese & African medicine for hundreds of years prior to this.)
The vaccine is an impingement on your freedom by tyrants who want to force you to do stuff. the motivation for this is always vague. Like, why would they go through all of that effort? It's never really answered. But it's always the government forcing you, the innocent civilian, to do things. Because tyranny.
Then the vaccines are unsafe. They are savage killers worse than the disease. They were made by madmen/witch doctors/ evil people and not only do they not work, they actually kill people. Also, they hurt children. Like extra. Make them sterile. Or kill babies. The modern spin on this is vaccines cause autism.
Then the disease is spread by people who are dirty. these savages can't wash themselves, and they bring these diseases into our clean & pure communities. You know, THOSE PEOPLE.
Of course, THOSE PEOPLE are always people of color. (The white folk who are in league with them are also dirty, dumb, and in league with big government to take away your freedoms because reasons).
So, how can you, the poor innocent civilian stay safe? It's so easy. You keep those dirty, filthy, foreigners (and those white people who hang out with them) out of the country AND make sure that Big Government can't tell YOU what to do! You're not being racist. You're not a bad person. You're just keeping the women & children safe!
They re-target your fear of sickness and death (very reasonable) into fear of THOSE PEOPLE. And those people are always people of color or minority groups like Jewish populations, etc.
That's how it's early stage white supremacy.
Here's a study about how it appeared in late 1800s England: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/medical-history/article/politics-of-prevention-antivaccinationism-and-public-health-in-nineteenthcentury-england/160A0FE00C0D60AC0AF87DCC3D444523