a skipping stone; Stasis, rank #1
Otsdarva's NEXT; - literally free
- has only one shot
- can reuse indefinitely
- only needs an arm to operate
- no maintenance costs
- no ammo costs
- can stay on top of water for
more than a few seconds
- humble yet effective
- its popularity has remained
uncontested in millions of years
- always by your side
- will outlast you until the end of times; - costs millions of Credits
- has "plenty" of ordinance
- ammo must be bought back
- needs energy and gunpowder
- hefty maintenance costs
- hefty ammo costs
- can't stay on top of water
even for a couple seconds
- arrogant and megalomaniac
- gets owned in one minute flat by
a walking stick cannon on legs
- promptly switches sides at a whim
- will become obsolete in due time