The country is totally in trouble. I wouldn't pin it on Biden though at least, not all of it. Sure, there's some problems that he's brought to the table through neglect. In acknowledging that, we also have to recognize there's also a laundry list of items he needs to work on and they're all *very* important.
He picks his battles, he focuses on what's important to his base and tries to make sure (from what I've seen) what benefits the country as a whole. He was given a complete mess, let's admit that, too.
He inherited a pandemic from an administration who denied the efficacy of masking and social distancing, who denied the seriousness of COVID, who watched the economy crumble, and even went so far as to say in November '20 that they simply weren't going to do anything about COVID anymore. Once more, this administration held many super spreader events, packing people into rallies like a cesspool of intentional ignorance.
We have people who deny the legitimacy of the scientific method because they don't fully understand it and are confused when there's conflicting data. They question the scientific method because one asshole can post a study and expect to be taken seriously when he instead takes shortcuts and faulty conclusions. (See: autism comes from vaccines - seriously, that guy lost his ability to practice anywhere, but the damage was done.)
We are a country where one party believes that it's safer to risk death from COVID at a fatality rate average of 1% (adjusted) rather than get the vaccine which lowers the risk more but you might be 1 person in 1200 who came down with myocarditis out of the near 300,000,000 people who received their first dose of the vaccine. Meaning, the vaccine has a .0001% chance of giving you something that *could* be lethal *if* untreated. But smartmanbad.