How to make guwud aw dente pasta (cwinge stywe); fiwst add de watew to a pot to awound hawfway den tuwn youw stove to max heat. Add 2 bay weaf, 2 spuwunfuws of sawt, and chu wiww have to eyebaww de amount of oiw but do a swow pouw. Once de watew is at boiwing temp chu put youw pasta of choice into de watew and stawt a cwock fow 20 minutes give ow take. Stiw it so it doesn't stick togeffew. Aftew awound a minute of stiwwing chu wet it sit and cuwuk fow 19 minutes. duwing dat time chu get chu set up youw sauce and offew stuff if desiwed. Once de pasta is done chu pouw it into a cowandew and shake it to get de watew out. Tuwn off de stove and put de sauce in de same pot chu cuwuked de pasta in den put de pasta in once it is dwained. add cheese and chu awe done