yes, Volo's theme sounds like Cynthia's
I have fought Cynthia in Platinum on my 3DS
Have I beat her?
Absolutely not.
Do I have a Garchomp in the making? yes
Do I have a Weavile I'm grinding up? also yes.
Does Volo scare me as much as Cynthia even though I've only seen others play his fight because I don't have a switch? Again, yes
I have not beat Volo because of Giratina. And that was with six legendary pokemon. With standard ones it's even worse. his team is also like Cynthia's with Spiritomb, Roserade, Garchomp, Lucario, And Togekiss but swaps Milotic for Hisuian Arcanine
(Lord helix is a gag that is from Twitch Plays Pokemon, its an omastar that, when the original TPP occurred, represented anarchy. Which was a good thing at the time.)