I’m going to go on a rant here.
Do you even realize all the stuff that the top users do for this website? No? I though not. We create countless memes that keep the community active. If not for us this site would be dead as hell. And to you and all the other people hating on me? You don’t even understand what goes on in my life. You never think about what you are saying when you make these types of comments. Nobody thinks about how the creators feel but they don’t think about that in the moment. I could have tons of stuff going on at home or I could have lots of other issues. But does that seem to make you care? No. When people like you make comments like these they are hurtful to others who are just trying to have a good time on a website. I didn’t join this website to be famous, I don’t even want that. I joined to create memes and have a good time. I ALSO didn’t join this website just so I could be harassed by people like you into leaving this website. I get tired of the people like you who don’t think before they speak, and leave nasty comments for people who are just trying to have a good time. Please try to understand this.