I know part of furry_irl will say one thing and the other part would say the other. Depends on where you’re at when talking about furries. Certain subreddits only have wholesome art while r/furry_irl is supposed to be memes. Unfortunately, people can post anything furry related as long as it’s not outright p**n [or anything else banned because of the rules] (and that could be cropped for meme purposes). I generally just dislike how that’s a thing with r/furry_irl, but I can’t control it. r/Furry should mainly have art of fursonas or fan art of characters from games, I don’t know about nsfw since I don’t turn that on. Either way, it’s a tossup depending on where you are on the internet, just like any other community. What makes it worse is you have a lot of teenagers joining various groups on the internet, sometimes to their detriment, and sometimes they end up joining the furry community. And teenagers do a lot of wacky things a lot of us would find cringe.