JFK felt an affinity for Richard Nixon. They both served in the Navy during WWII. Even though Nixon never felt the hot war like JFK did, with the sinking of P-109, actual service meant a lot to Kennedy. He openly mocked his VP, LBJ, who got an honorary Navy Commission using photos in uniform in campaign materials. Nixon and JFK came into Congress together and often saw each other at events. When Nixon was VP, JFK became so ill that "Last Rites," were administered. Nixon visited his bedside and vowed to not use his power to break a tie in the Senate, until JFK was well enough to return to his duties as Senator. It has been reported that Jackie Kennedy credited Nixon's upbeat visit with JFK coming back from his "Deathbed." She said that everyone, but Nixon, treated him like a dead man.
I reflect on this when I am angry with someone's public political stance.