The temple is the most sacred place on earth. It was built for specific rituals and sacrifices and nothing else. The fact that people started using the temple for non-religious activities is why Jesus drove them out. They were desecrating the temple. It made no difference what they were doing. They could have been playing basketball, having a knitting society meeting, whatever and Jesus would have also driven them out of the temple.
If capitalism is so awful then why am I seeing your meme on ImgFlip? Unless you stole it, that means you bought a computer, cellphone or tablet. You also have to pay for electricity to be able to power one of those devices. You have to pay for rent or mortgage (unless you're freeloading off of someone, like Bernie Sanders did most of his life). You need to buy food to live. You could not have done any of that without capitalism. You wouldn't even have a computer if it wasn't for capitalism.