I grew up in the South, so you're out of your depth on that accusation.
Though I had at least one relative who died fighting for the South (which I'm not proud of), I do not consider the rebel flag a part of my heritage. The American flag is good enough for me.
I consider the Rebel flag instead to be a symbol of both hate and silliness and I cringe whenever I see it. This treasonous, pro-slavery movement convulsed our country in a Civil War for 4 years. It's nothing to be celebrated, any more than we'd celebrate a bad one-term President from 150 years ago.
On the other hand, the pro-human rights Constitutional Amendments that *followed* the Civil War are certainly to be celebrated, and that is the pro-freedom course our United States have followed ever since, in spite of those who have tried to hold our country back (such as the shameful architects of the Jim Crow period).
Lost-cause pro-Confederate revisionism provided the justification for Jim Crow, the KKK, casual racism, the Jan. 6 riot, and all sorts of other evils. The faster we get away from it, the better.