COM (From ToS) - By
SimoTheFinlandized -
Your Local Avian Tech-
Genius - c. 2022 CE
In any content that you create or modify
while using this website, do not
discriminate against any sect, commit
or condone illegal acts, advertise, harass
others, or otherwise make it less fun for
other people. Imgflip is a place to be
creative and have fun! While Imgflip
highly values freedom of expression,
please express your opinions in a way
that is kind and respectful to all people
of the world, or if stating your opinion
does not follow these terms, please
keep it to yourself or post it elsewhere.
Memes, comments, or other images
whose sole purpose is to attack a
person or group of people in a
condemning and non-humorous way
are subject to deletion, and the user
account that posted such content is
also subject to deletion. In particular,
please be careful when authoring
content around sensitive subjects
such as politics, religion, and race.