SimoTheFinlandized / Paul
Palazzolo - c. 2022 CE
Happen to have a mighty need for
offline music by any chance? Try
downloading a nifty offline music
app that is not a streaming
solution, as well as stash some
songs, albums, or even full
archives of uplifting music on it,
if possible. Download whatever
kind of music works best for you.
Some good apps to try for this
include VLC and Dogmazic. VLC
is a libre media player supporting
a wide variety of music and video
formats (.MP3, .FLAC, .OGG, .MKV,
.MP4, etc.). Dogmazic, on the
other hand, is both a website
and a mobile app which provides
vast archives of freely
downloadable music for
almost any genre. Try both
by all means to see which one
works best for you!