I have a speech to make.
Although Thanksgiving's origin is truly f*cked up and stemmed from some horrible behaviors, we still get a break each year, for some reason.
As of now, it's the start of said break, and Thanksgiving is now considered a time to spend with family (why, why is a holiday that originated from people forcing other people to walk across half a country and the holiday marks the day the people met each other now considered a time to spend with family- it's really screwed up). So, I will say one thing...
I hate green bean casserole.
Okay, okay, that wasn't it. Although I do hate green bean casserole (which I am aware that that is an unpopular opinion, but I don't care), I want you guys to spend time with your families this break, no matter how terrible at socialization you might be.
Now go, my speech is over. I'm done typing, my wrists hurt.
Goodbye chat.