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AGGRETSUKO: A Dive Into The Japanese Furry Anime Comedy TV-Series (By SimoTheFinlandized / Paul P.)

AGGRETSUKO: A Dive Into The Japanese Furry Anime Comedy TV-Series (By SimoTheFinlandized / Paul P.) | ===========================================
AGGRETSUKO: A Dive Into The Japanese 
Furry Anime Comedy TV-Series (By 
SimoTheFinlandized / Paul P.) CE 
Aggretsuko, also known by its original Japanese 
title Aggressive Retsuko (Japanese: アグレッシブ烈子, 
Hepburn: Aguresshibu Retsuko), is a Japanese 
animated comedy streaming television series based on 
the eponymous character created by "Yeti" for the 
mascot company Sanrio. The character first appeared 
in a series of animated shorts by Fanworks which aired 
on TBS Television between April 2016 and March 
2018. An original net animation (ONA) anime series
adaptation was launched worldwide on Netflix in April 
2018, followed by a second season in June 2019, a 
third season in August 2020 and a fourth season in 
December 2021. A fifth and final season is set to debut 
in February 2023. A comic book series adaptation by 
Daniel Barnes and D.J. Kirkland was launched by Oni 
Press. The first issue was released on February 5, 
2020. A mobile game, "Aggretsuko: The Short Timer
Strikes Back", was released by Hive for Android and 
iOS in July 2020. The game, which is available 
worldwide, includes the full 100 short episode series, 
which need to be unlocked individually via normal 
gameplay. Whilst subtitled, the short episodes were not 
dubbed into other languages.
Retsuko is a 25-year-old and single anthropomorphic
red panda, working in the accounting department of a
large Japanese trading firm, trying her best to navigate 
through the typical problems encountered by young 
adults in 21st-Century-CE Japan. Facing constant 
frustration every day from pushy superiors and co-
workers, Retsuko lets out her emotions by going to 
a karaoke bar every night and singing death-metal.
After five years of working the daily grind, Retsuko's
misery causes her to undergo a series of events 
that puts her job in jeopardy, forcing her to shift 
her relationships with her co-workers and ends up 
changing her life in unexpected ways. After this, 
she continues to come up with ways to find happiness, 
and eventually comes to the conclusion that she would 
one day like to get married and raise a family. 
Unfortunately, her social anxiety combined with her 
naïveté often causes her to get into far more trouble 
than she expects while pursuing her dreams. 
Beginning with Season 4, the show focuses less on 
Retsuko as the protagonist and more on her colleagues 
at the office, each with their own unique set of 
problems. In the upcoming Season 5, the show will 
mainly focus on Retsuko being involved with the 
Japanese government along with Haida's life after 
quitting his office job.
1) RETSUKO: A 25-year-old red panda in her 
company's accounting department who lets out 
frustrations over her job by singing death metal at a 
karaoke bar. She is an amiable introvert who suffers 
from social anxiety, and is prone to unrealistic dreams 
to the point where it negatively impacts her and those 
around her. After Retsuko bad-mouths her boss, Ton, on 
TV, Ton nicknames her "Short-Timer" (Japanese dub) 
or "Calendar" (English dub), implying her job is on the 
line. When confronted with a new problem, personal or 
otherwise, she quickly retreats to a corner and tries to 
resolve the issue alone, if she does not outright 
surrender. This shows that her emotional maturity is 
lacking, and she is reluctant to confide in others. 
However, she slowly develops a healthier emotional 
state with help from her friends and, ironically, the co-
workers she often cannot stand. By Season 3, she goes 
fully public with her death metal singing, thus beginning 
a lucrative side hustle.
2) DIRECTOR TON: The domestic-pig director of the
accounting department, who constantly gives Retsuko 
a hard time through either blatant sexism or overwork. 
He spends significant time practicing golf instead of 
working, though it is shown that he is an incredibly 
skilled and speedy accountant despite being tech 
illiterate. Though he regularly belittles Retsuko, it is 
implied that he greatly respects her, and possibly sees 
her as his successor. He has more than once stepped 
into her personal life with timely wisdom to save her 
from situations that are causing her grief. In spite of his 
toughness, he has a soft spot for his family, and initially 
hides from them the fact that he was forced to quit his 
job in Season 4. He is also protective of his workforce, 
refusing to fire anyone in the accounting department 
when incentivized to do so by the new president.
3) FENNEKO: Retsuko's fennec fox co-worker and 
closest friend in the office. Highly perceptive and 
insightful, she is able to deduce anyone's mental state 
through mere observation of their habits and deviations 
from their usual patterns – namely, through scrutinizing 
others' social media. Cynical by nature, she often 
openly criticizes something only to later enjoy it, 
sometimes to an obsessive degree. She also has a 
close relationship with Haida and an unusual rivalry 
with Tsunoda. She has a highly distinctive, monotonous 
4) HAIDA: Retsuko's mild-mannered spotted hyena 
co-worker, who has a crush on Retsuko. His 
roundabout approach to confessing his feelings puts 
him in many comical situations; in many ways, he 
shares the same social anxiety and confidence 
problems as Retsuko, resulting in poor communication 
with her. Despite being rejected, he struggles to move 
on and continues to pine for her, often reacting badly 
whenever she goes out with someone. However, he 
does give Retsuko space to keep himself in check, and 
genuinely cares for Retsuko's well-being and 
happiness. Haida is an avid punk rock fan, and plays 
bass guitar. Haida is skilled in programming and IT 
work, but his work is frequently dismissed by the tech 
illiterate seniors in Accounting, leaving him frustrated. 
In Season 4, Haida is suddenly promoted to Accounting 
Director but later quits the company altogether after 
being forced to partake in financial fraud.
5) DIRECTOR GORI: A gorilla lady who works as 
director of marketing at Retsuko's company. Along with 
Washimi, she does yoga with Retsuko and eventually 
joins her in karaoke. Despite her serious nature at 
work, she is highly excitable and takes great interest in 
bonding with Retsuko. A running gag with Gori is her 
over-the-top mourning over failed relationships, usually 
romantic ones. Despite being 40 years old and 
incredibly career-driven, she has high hopes to still get 
married someday and continues to make bold attempts 
to find "the one."
6) MS. WASHIMI: A secretary bird who works as the 
secretary to the company's CEO, and arguably the 
company's de facto CEO due to the actual CEO's 
incompetence. Strong-willed and confident, she is very 
wise and gives Retsuko a lot of sage advice when she 
is not busy keeping Gori's excitability in check. She 
sometimes axe kicks to intimidate those who frustrate 
her (mostly her boss), embodying the classic hunting 
behavior of her animal. Though very level-headed, she 
loses significant composure when the topic of marriage 
comes up, having gone through a bitter divorce after a 
four-month long marriage in her past.
7) TSUNODA: A perky gazelle coworker of Retsuko 
who frequently sucks up to Ton in order to remain in a 
favorable position and to lighten her own workload. Her 
shameless approach to office politics and social media 
stardom earns her the ire of many. However, she is 
highly self-aware and more genuine than her 
personality lets on. She is an expert on discerning the 
emotional and mental states of those around her. As the 
show progresses, she gradually develops a closer 
friendship with Fenneko.
8) KOMIYA: Ton's meerkat right-hand subordinate. 
Like Tsunoda, Komiya sucks up to Ton, but he appears 
to be motivated by genuine admiration for Ton while 
Tsunoda only does so for her own calculated benefits. 
In Season 3, it is revealed that he runs a popular blog 
on JPop idols and becomes a big fan of Retsuko after 
seeing her sing on-stage.
9) TSUBONE: A Komodo dragon who is a senior to 
Retsuko in the accounting department. She is highly 
condescending and is implied to enjoy watching others 
fail, usually by giving them one of her many air-tight 
snack jars to open. Much like Ton, she frequently uses 
her seniority to push her extra work onto Retsuko. She 
is implied to have a significant bond with Ton, having 
worked in the Accounting department for almost as long 
as he has. Likewise, she is also tech illiterate, and gets 
defensive when asked to update the way she does her 
10) KABAE: Retsuko's hippo chatty coworker. Kabae 
is a middle-aged woman who frequently runs her mouth 
as the company's rumor mill. She is easily excited by 
new gossip but claims to never spread anything 
malicious. She is happily married to her husband and 
has three kids at home. Her motherly personality, when 
applied at work, has polarizing results on the younger 
workers at the office. In Season 4, she reveals that she 
has a considerable amount of espionage and stealth 
skills, showing Retsuko how to sneak around the office 
building's ventilation shafts.
11) RESASUKE: Retsuko's one-time, and oblivious, 
red panda boyfriend in Season 1, who works in the 
Sales Department at their trade firm. Nicknamed the 
"Out of Pocket Prince" (Japanese dub) or "Space 
Cadet" (English dub), he is constantly zoning out, 
irresponsible with job duties, soft-spoken, and has zero 
social awareness. He has a large collection of thriving 
plants at home, suggesting that his character is a play 
on the Japanese term "herbivore men".
12) ANAI: A Japanese badger recent college 
graduate and a new hire in Retsuko's accounting 
department beginning in Season 2. He is very happy 
and eager on the surface, but does not take any kind of 
feedback lightly, treating it as a personal attack. This 
causes him to neurotically harass whoever "criticized" 
him via email demanding a written apology and 
recording all future conversations with the threat of 
escalation. As such, his professional and social skills 
are very lackluster, though his brick wall approach to 
criticism also renders him immune to the office politics 
others freely exercise. He is, however, receptive to 
Kabae's motherly approach, and gradually learns to get 
along with everyone through her, suggesting that he 
regularly suffers from extreme anxiety. He is also an 
excellent cook and later sells his home-cooked meals 
to his co-workers. In Season 3, he becomes more 
emotionally stable, having found a girlfriend and writing 
a cookbook as a side project.
13) TADANO: A donkey who is briefly Retsuko's 
boyfriend in Season 2. Initially shown as a lazy, jobless 
bum, Tadano is actually the founder of his own AI 
company that is quickly rising in stock and is both 
incredibly wealthy and intelligent. Tadano's laziness is 
attributed to the fact that he quickly loses interest in any 
task he finds mundane, and is driven to bring his AI 
program to the masses in hopes of moving society past 
late-stage capitalism, supporting programs like 
universal basic income. Retsuko slowly falls for the 
laid-back but driven Tadano after meeting him in driving 
class, unaware of his true identity, and starts a genuine, 
happy relationship with him. However, the relationship 
ends when Tadano revealed that he is not interested in 
having kids or getting married. Tadano remains a 
recurring character in later seasons, befriending the 
people around Retsuko and continues to support her 
and her friends without asking for anything in return.
14) RETSUKO'S MOTHER: Retsuko's overbearing red panda 
mother, who is currently unnamed. Beginning in the second 
season, she regularly visits Retsuko, unannounced, trying 
to pressure her into marriage with one of many bachelors 
found via matchmakers. Despite her questionable actions, 
such as duplicating Retsuko's apartment key without her 
permission, she genuinely cares about Retsuko's well-being 
and gives her more opportunities to grow into adulthood by, 
often under immense emotional pressure, pushing her away 
from her comfort zone of "work, home, phone, sleep" as 
well as cooking and cleaning for her when she is visiting.
15) HYODO: A leopard who is a window washer at Retsuko's 
building by day and the manager for the up-and-coming idol 
group "OTM Girls" (short for Ōtemachi) by night. Retsuko 
initially meets him when she accidentally crashes into his van, 
forcing her to take up a second job as the group's accounting 
manager to pay off her debt. When Hyodo inadvertently discovers 
her singing death metal at her regular karaoke spot, he decides 
to move the OTM Girls in a pop/metal fusion direction and coerces 
Retsuko into the center of the group. He is secretive about his 
day job with the girls, suggesting a sense of shame over it. 
Though highly aggressive and intimidating, his anger is implied 
to be a front to cover his feelings about his own failings and 
incompetence, as he is very poor with finances.
16) MANAKA: The chinchilla lead singer of the OTM Girls. In stark 
contrast to Retsuko's extremely passive personality, Manaka is 
confident and brash. She often behaves like a diva, but she 
genuinely cares for those around her, including Retsuko. Her bold 
personality comes from the fact that she neither desires nor cares 
for approval from others, and encourages Retsuko to be less afraid 
of upsetting others, accident or otherwise. When she is not 
performing, she's a store clerk at a local convenience store.
17) INUI: A Borzoi who works in the General Affairs department at 
Retsuko's company. Introduced in Season 3, Inui is a sweet, gentle, 
and caring woman who tries to pursue a relationship with Haida after 
a chance encounter. Though they initially get off to a good start 
due to their shared love for punk rock, with Fenneko and Gori both 
pressuring Haida to accept her, Haida eventually turns her down. 
Though obviously hurt, Inui gracefully accepts the rejection.
18) HIMURO: A Saluki who is the External Director of Retsuko's company. 
Introduced in Season 4, Himuro is promoted to CEO after the original 
CEO is hospitalized. He is very strict and possibly sociopathic, 
prioritizing obedience and determined to modernize the company at 
any cost. While his initial methods are financially sound, Himuro 
unabashedly begins to lay people off from the Accounting Department 
to save costs, and promotes Haida to Accounting Director. Surrounded 
by hostile board members who see him as an upstart outsider, Himuro 
eventually resorts to ordering Haida to cook the books. He quits 
after being exposed by the other members of the Accounting Department 
for fraud.
Aggretsuko was met with critical acclaim in the United States. 
The series as a whole currently holds 8/10 stars on IMDb according to 
6.3K ratings.
================================================= | image tagged in simothefinlandized,aggretsuko,furry,anime,tv shows,summarized | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
710 views 5 upvotes Made by SimoTheFinlandized 2 years ago in Furries-stream
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did you copy this, or type it yourself, because that is a lot of text
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1 reply
Yes, this essay was largely copied-and-pasted, but the title, formatting, and similar miscellaneous bits were all my doing (you know, so that it'd look presentable and be easier-to-read on the eyes, like an essay, and not like some incoherent jumble of text). My sources were from the following URL (, if you were wondering :>

Do you like what I managed to create, by any chance?
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i actually like this!
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1 up, 2y,
1 reply
Teachers: “Wikipedia is an unreliable source of information!”
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Very funny, James - but Imgflip isn't a school, just letting you know.

And, for the record, Wikipedia can potentially be a good source of information in the sense of using the bibliography and other listed references and citations. Wikipedia is a good jumping-off point, but it ain't the whole entire swim.

Just making sure we all know that, okay?
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
I’m just kidding
0 ups, 2y
Oh okay.

Sorry about my rant ._.
1 up, 2y
Huh, it is a thing. How bout that
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
=========================================== AGGRETSUKO: A Dive Into The Japanese Furry Anime Comedy TV-Series (By SimoTheFinlandized / Paul P.) CE =========================================== Aggretsuko, also known by its original Japanese title Aggressive Retsuko (Japanese: アグレッシブ烈子, Hepburn: Aguresshibu Retsuko), is a Japanese animated comedy streaming television series based on the eponymous character created by "Yeti" for the mascot company Sanrio. The character first appeared in a series of animated shorts by Fanworks which aired on TBS Television between April 2016 and March 2018. An original net animation (ONA) anime series adaptation was launched worldwide on Netflix in April 2018, followed by a second season in June 2019, a third season in August 2020 and a fourth season in December 2021. A fifth and final season is set to debut in February 2023. A comic book series adaptation by Daniel Barnes and D.J. Kirkland was launched by Oni Press. The first issue was released on February 5, 2020. A mobile game, "Aggretsuko: The Short Timer Strikes Back", was released by Hive for Android and iOS in July 2020. The game, which is available worldwide, includes the full 100 short episode series, which need to be unlocked individually via normal gameplay. Whilst subtitled, the short episodes were not dubbed into other languages. =========================================== THE PLOT: =========================================== Retsuko is a 25-year-old and single anthropomorphic red panda, working in the accounting department of a large Japanese trading firm, trying her best to navigate through the typical problems encountered by young adults in 21st-Century-CE Japan. Facing constant frustration every day from pushy superiors and co- workers, Retsuko lets out her emotions by going to a karaoke bar every night and singing death-metal. After five years of working the daily grind, Retsuko's misery causes her to undergo a series of events that puts her job in jeopardy, forcing her to shift her relationships with her co-workers and ends up changing her life in unexpected ways. After this, she continues to come up with ways to find happiness, and eventually comes to the conclusion that she would one day like to get married and raise a family. Unfortunately, her social anxiety combined with her naïveté often causes her to get into far more trouble than she expects while pursuing her dreams. Beginning with Season 4, the show focuses less on Retsuko as the protagonist and more on her colleagues at the office, each with their own unique set of problems. In the upcoming Season 5, the show will mainly focus on Retsuko being involved with the Japanese government along with Haida's life after quitting his office job. =========================================== THE CAST-OF-CHARACTERS: =========================================== 1) RETSUKO: A 25-year-old red panda in her company's accounting department who lets out frustrations over her job by singing death metal at a karaoke bar. She is an amiable introvert who suffers from social anxiety, and is prone to unrealistic dreams to the point where it negatively impacts her and those around her. After Retsuko bad-mouths her boss, Ton, on TV, Ton nicknames her "Short-Timer" (Japanese dub) or "Calendar" (English dub), implying her job is on the line. When confronted with a new problem, personal or otherwise, she quickly retreats to a corner and tries to resolve the issue alone, if she does not outright surrender. This shows that her emotional maturity is lacking, and she is reluctant to confide in others. However, she slowly develops a healthier emotional state with help from her friends and, ironically, the co- workers she often cannot stand. By Season 3, she goes fully public with her death metal singing, thus beginning a lucrative side hustle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) DIRECTOR TON: The domestic-pig director of the accounting department, who constantly gives Retsuko a hard time through either blatant sexism or overwork. He spends significant time practicing golf instead of working, though it is shown that he is an incredibly skilled and speedy accountant despite being tech illiterate. Though he regularly belittles Retsuko, it is implied that he greatly respects her, and possibly sees her as his successor. He has more than once stepped into her personal life with timely wisdom to save her from situations that are causing her grief. In spite of his toughness, he has a soft spot for his family, and initially hides from them the fact that he was forced to quit his job in Season 4. He is also protective of his workforce, refusing to fire anyone in the accounting department when incentivized to do so by the new president. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) FENNEKO: Retsuko's fennec fox co-worker and closest friend in the office. Highly perceptive and insightful, she is able to deduce anyone's mental state through mere observation of their habits and deviations from their usual patterns – namely, through scrutinizing others' social media. Cynical by nature, she often openly criticizes something only to later enjoy it, sometimes to an obsessive degree. She also has a close relationship with Haida and an unusual rivalry with Tsunoda. She has a highly distinctive, monotonous laugh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) HAIDA: Retsuko's mild-mannered spotted hyena co-worker, who has a crush on Retsuko. His roundabout approach to confessing his feelings puts him in many comical situations; in many ways, he shares the same social anxiety and confidence problems as Retsuko, resulting in poor communication with her. Despite being rejected, he struggles to move on and continues to pine for her, often reacting badly whenever she goes out with someone. However, he does give Retsuko space to keep himself in check, and genuinely cares for Retsuko's well-being and happiness. Haida is an avid punk rock fan, and plays bass guitar. Haida is skilled in programming and IT work, but his work is frequently dismissed by the tech illiterate seniors in Accounting, leaving him frustrated. In Season 4, Haida is suddenly promoted to Accounting Director but later quits the company altogether after being forced to partake in financial fraud. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) DIRECTOR GORI: A gorilla lady who works as director of marketing at Retsuko's company. Along with Washimi, she does yoga with Retsuko and eventually joins her in karaoke. Despite her serious nature at work, she is highly excitable and takes great interest in bonding with Retsuko. A running gag with Gori is her over-the-top mourning over failed relationships, usually romantic ones. Despite being 40 years old and incredibly career-driven, she has high hopes to still get married someday and continues to make bold attempts to find "the one." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) MS. WASHIMI: A secretary bird who works as the secretary to the company's CEO, and arguably the company's de facto CEO due to the actual CEO's incompetence. Strong-willed and confident, she is very wise and gives Retsuko a lot of sage advice when she is not busy keeping Gori's excitability in check. She sometimes axe kicks to intimidate those who frustrate her (mostly her boss), embodying the classic hunting behavior of her animal. Though very level-headed, she loses significant composure when the topic of marriage comes up, having gone through a bitter divorce after a four-month long marriage in her past. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) TSUNODA: A perky gazelle coworker of Retsuko who frequently sucks up to Ton in order to remain in a favorable position and to lighten her own workload. Her shameless approach to office politics and social media stardom earns her the ire of many. However, she is highly self-aware and more genuine than her personality lets on. She is an expert on discerning the emotional and mental states of those around her. As the show progresses, she gradually develops a closer friendship with Fenneko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8) KOMIYA: Ton's meerkat right-hand subordinate. Like Tsunoda, Komiya sucks up to Ton, but he appears to be motivated by genuine admiration for Ton while Tsunoda only does so for her own calculated benefits. In Season 3, it is revealed that he runs a popular blog on JPop idols and becomes a big fan of Retsuko after seeing her sing on-stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) TSUBONE: A Komodo dragon who is a senior to Retsuko in the accounting department. She is highly condescending and is implied to enjoy watching others fail, usually by giving them one of her many air-tight snack jars to open. Much like Ton, she frequently uses her seniority to push her extra work onto Retsuko. She is implied to have a significant bond with Ton, having worked in the Accounting department for almost as long as he has. Likewise, she is also tech illiterate, and gets defensive when asked to update the way she does her work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) KABAE: Retsuko's hippo chatty coworker. Kabae is a middle-aged woman who frequently runs her mouth as the company's rumor mill. She is easily excited by new gossip but claims to never spread anything malicious. She is happily married to her husband and has three kids at home. Her motherly personality, when applied at work, has polarizing results on the younger workers at the office. In Season 4, she reveals that she has a considerable amount of espionage and stealth skills, showing Retsuko how to sneak around the office building's ventilation shafts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11) RESASUKE: Retsuko's one-time, and oblivious, red panda boyfriend in Season 1, who works in the Sales Department at their trade firm. Nicknamed the "Out of Pocket Prince" (Japanese dub) or "Space Cadet" (English dub), he is constantly zoning out, irresponsible with job duties, soft-spoken, and has zero social awareness. He has a large collection of thriving plants at home, suggesting that his character is a play on the Japanese term "herbivore men". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12) ANAI: A Japanese badger recent college graduate and a new hire in Retsuko's accounting department beginning in Season 2. He is very happy and eager on the surface, but does not take any kind of feedback lightly, treating it as a personal attack. This causes him to neurotically harass whoever "criticized" him via email demanding a written apology and recording all future conversations with the threat of escalation. As such, his professional and social skills are very lackluster, though his brick wall approach to criticism also renders him immune to the office politics others freely exercise. He is, however, receptive to Kabae's motherly approach, and gradually learns to get along with everyone through her, suggesting that he regularly suffers from extreme anxiety. He is also an excellent cook and later sells his home-cooked meals to his co-workers. In Season 3, he becomes more emotionally stable, having found a girlfriend and writing a cookbook as a side project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13) TADANO: A donkey who is briefly Retsuko's boyfriend in Season 2. Initially shown as a lazy, jobless bum, Tadano is actually the founder of his own AI company that is quickly rising in stock and is both incredibly wealthy and intelligent. Tadano's laziness is attributed to the fact that he quickly loses interest in any task he finds mundane, and is driven to bring his AI program to the masses in hopes of moving society past late-stage capitalism, supporting programs like universal basic income. Retsuko slowly falls for the laid-back but driven Tadano after meeting him in driving class, unaware of his true identity, and starts a genuine, happy relationship with him. However, the relationship ends when Tadano revealed that he is not interested in having kids or getting married. Tadano remains a recurring character in later seasons, befriending the people around Retsuko and continues to support her and her friends without asking for anything in return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14) RETSUKO'S MOTHER: Retsuko's overbearing red panda mother, who is currently unnamed. Beginning in the second season, she regularly visits Retsuko, unannounced, trying to pressure her into marriage with one of many bachelors found via matchmakers. Despite her questionable actions, such as duplicating Retsuko's apartment key without her permission, she genuinely cares about Retsuko's well-being and gives her more opportunities to grow into adulthood by, often under immense emotional pressure, pushing her away from her comfort zone of "work, home, phone, sleep" as well as cooking and cleaning for her when she is visiting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15) HYODO: A leopard who is a window washer at Retsuko's building by day and the manager for the up-and-coming idol group "OTM Girls" (short for Ōtemachi) by night. Retsuko initially meets him when she accidentally crashes into his van, forcing her to take up a second job as the group's accounting manager to pay off her debt. When Hyodo inadvertently discovers her singing death metal at her regular karaoke spot, he decides to move the OTM Girls in a pop/metal fusion direction and coerces Retsuko into the center of the group. He is secretive about his day job with the girls, suggesting a sense of shame over it. Though highly aggressive and intimidating, his anger is implied to be a front to cover his feelings about his own failings and incompetence, as he is very poor with finances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16) MANAKA: The chinchilla lead singer of the OTM Girls. In stark contrast to Retsuko's extremely passive personality, Manaka is confident and brash. She often behaves like a diva, but she genuinely cares for those around her, including Retsuko. Her bold personality comes from the fact that she neither desires nor cares for approval from others, and encourages Retsuko to be less afraid of upsetting others, accident or otherwise. When she is not performing, she's a store clerk at a local convenience store. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17) INUI: A Borzoi who works in the General Affairs department at Retsuko's company. Introduced in Season 3, Inui is a sweet, gentle, and caring woman who tries to pursue a relationship with Haida after a chance encounter. Though they initially get off to a good start due to their shared love for punk rock, with Fenneko and Gori both pressuring Haida to accept her, Haida eventually turns her down. Though obviously hurt, Inui gracefully accepts the rejection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18) HIMURO: A Saluki who is the External Director of Retsuko's company. Introduced in Season 4, Himuro is promoted to CEO after the original CEO is hospitalized. He is very strict and possibly sociopathic, prioritizing obedience and determined to modernize the company at any cost. While his initial methods are financially sound, Himuro unabashedly begins to lay people off from the Accounting Department to save costs, and promotes Haida to Accounting Director. Surrounded by hostile board members who see him as an upstart outsider, Himuro eventually resorts to ordering Haida to cook the books. He quits after being exposed by the other members of the Accounting Department for fraud. ================================================= RECEPTION: ================================================= Aggretsuko was met with critical acclaim in the United States. The series as a whole currently holds 8/10 stars on IMDb according to 6.3K ratings. ================================================= SOURCES: =================================================