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A HISTORY OF THE WORLD - The Age-Old Songs Of Mankind Throughout The Ages: (Written By SimoTheFinlandized -© 2021 CE)

A HISTORY OF THE WORLD - The Age-Old Songs Of Mankind Throughout The Ages: (Written By SimoTheFinlandized -© 2021 CE) | A HISTORY OF THE WORLD - The Age-
Old Songs Of Mankind Throughout The 
Ages: (Written By SimoTheFinlandized -© 
2021 CE)
The history of the world (also called Human 
history) is the study of what the entire human
race did in the past, as recorded. This 
includes the time from prehistory to the 
present day. It excludes natural history.
Modern human beings, called Homo sapiens 
('wise man') have lived for about 250,000 
years. The first Homo sapiens lived at the 
same time as other species of human. These 
included Homo erectus ('standing man') and 
Homo neanderthalensis ('man from 
Neanderthal'). They were a little bit different 
from modern humans. The theory of human 
evolution says that modern humans, 
Neanderthals, and Homo erectus slowly 
developed from other earlier species of 
human-like creatures. Biologists believe that 
Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and spread 
from there to all other parts of the world, 
replacing Homo neanderthalensis in Europe 
and Homo erectus in Asia. Homo 
neanderthalensis, generally called 
Neanderthal Man, was discovered when 
the cranium of a skull was found in the 
Neanderthal Valley in 1856. It was different 
from a modern human skull so scientists 
believed it was from a new species. Entire 
Neanderthal skeletons have been found in 
other places since then. Neanderthals 
existed before modern humans, and knew 
how to use tools and fire. When ancient stone 
tools are found, their style often shows 
whether they were made by Homo sapiens 
or Neanderthals (see Palaeolithic). By the 
end of the Stone Age, it is believed that 
Homo sapiens were the only type of humans 
Influence Of Climate:
Climate is different from one part of the world 
to another. Some areas are hot all year, and 
some are cold. Some areas are dry all year, 
and others are wet. Most areas have climates
that are warm or hot in the summer and cool 
or cold in the winter. Most parts of the world 
get rain at some times of the year and not 
others. Some parts of the world have oceanic 
climates and others have alpine climates. 
These differences cause people to live 
differently. Climate affects what food can 
grow in a certain place. This affects what food 
people eat. If one food is easier to grow, it 
often becomes a staple food. Staples foods 
are foods that people eat more of than other 
foods. Staple foods are usually grains or 
vegetables because they are easy to grow. 
Wheat, maize, millet, rice, oats, rye, potatoes, 
yams, breadfruit and beans are examples of 
different staple foods from around the world. 
Climate also affects the types of animals that 
can live in any area, which affect the types of 
meats that are available to eat. Climate also 
affects the buildings that people make, the 
clothes that they wear and the way that they 
Climate Change:
The climate on earth has not stayed the 
same through human history. There are long 
periods of time when it is generally warmer, 
and there are long periods of time when it is 
generally colder. When it is generally colder, 
there is more ice on the poles of the planet. A 
cold period is called an ice age. There have 
been many ice ages in the history of the 
earth. Two have affected humans. From 
70,000 to around 10,000 years ago there was 
a big ice age which affected humans and the 
way that they lived. Between 1600 AD and 
1900 AD there was a period called the Little 
Ice Age when the climate was a little bit colder
than usual.
The word "Prehistory" means "before history". 
It is used for the long period of time before 
humans began to write about their lives. This 
time is divided into two main ages: the 
Paleolithic Age (or Early Stone Age) and the 
Neolithic Age (or late Stone Age). The two 
ages did not start and end at the same time 
everywhere. A place moved from one age to 
another depending on when people changed 
their technology. The end of prehistory also 
varies from one place to another. It depends 
on the date when written documents of a 
civilization can be found. In Egypt the first 
written documents date from around 3200 BC. 
In Australia the first written records date from 
1788 and in New Guinea from about 1900. In 
the Paleolithic era, there were many different 
human species. According to current 
research, only the modern human Homo 
sapiens reached the Neolithic era.
Paleolithic Era:
The Paleolithic Era is by far the longest age 
of humanity's time, about 99% of human 
history. The Paleolithic Age started about 2.6 
million years ago and ended around 10,000 
BC. The age began when hominids (early 
humans) started to use stones as tools for 
bashing, cutting and scraping. The age ended 
when humans began to plant crops and have 
other types of agriculture. In some areas, 
such as Western Europe, the way that people 
lived was affected by the Ice age. In these 
places, people moved towards agriculture 
quicker than in warmer places where there 
was always lots of food to gather. Their 
culture is sometimes called the Mesolithic 
Era (Middle Stone Age). During the Paleolithic 
Era humans grouped together in small bands. 
They lived by gathering plants and hunting 
wild animals. This way of living is called a 
"hunter-gatherer society". People hunted 
small burrowing animals like rabbits, as well 
as birds and herds of animals like deer and 
cattle. They also gathered plants to eat, 
including grains. Grain often grows on 
grasslands where herds of grass-eating 
animals are found. People also gathered root 
vegetables, green vegetables, beans, fruit, 
seeds, berries, nuts, eggs, insects and small 
reptiles. Many Paleolithic bands were 
nomadic. They moved from place to place as 
the weather changed. They followed herds of 
animals that they hunted from their winter 
feeding places to their summer feeding 
places. If there was a drought,flood, or some 
other disaster, the herds and the people might 
have moved a long distance, looking for food. 
During the "Ice Age" a lot of the water on 
Earth turned to ice. This made sea much 
lower than it is now. People were able to walk 
through Beringia from Siberia to Alaska. 
Bands of Homo sapiens ( another word for 
people) travelled to that area from Asia. At 
that time there were rich grasslands with 
many large animals that are now extinct. It is 
believed that many groups of people travelled 
there over a long time and later spread to 
other parts of America, as the weather 
changed. Paleolithic people used stone tools. 
Sometimes a stone tool was just a rock. It 
might have been useful for smashing a shell 
or an animal's skull, or for grinding grain on 
another rock. Other tools were made by 
breaking rocks to make a sharp edge. The 
next development in stone tool making was to 
chip all the edges of a rock so that it made a 
pointed shape, useful for a spearhead, or 
arrow tip. Some stone tools are carefully 
"flaked" at the edges to make them sharp, and 
symmetrically shaped. Paleolithic people also 
used tools of wood and bone. They probably 
also used leather and vegetable fibers but 
these have not lasted from that time. 
Paleolithic people also knew how to make 
fire which they used for warmth and cooking.
Neolithic Era:
The Neolithic era was marked by changes 
in society. During the Neolithic era, people 
started to settle down. They developed 
agriculture and domesticated animals, both of 
which took a very long time. Because of these 
two things, people did not have to migrate as 
much any more. Villages could grow to much 
larger sizes than before. Over time, villages 
fought and spread their control over larger 
areas and some became civilisations. During 
this time, humankind also developed further 
intellectually, militarily and spiritually. When 
humans started to grow crops and 
domesticate certain animals such as dogs, 
goats, sheep, and cattle; their societies 
changed. Because people now grew crops 
and raised livestock, they started to stay in 
the same place and build permanent 
settlements. In most places, this happened 
between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago. Their 
diet also changed. People ate more cereals 
and vegetables. They started to keep extra 
foods and seeds for later. In some years there
were surpluses (extras) that could be traded 
for other goods. These changes happened 
independently in many parts of the world. 
They did not happen in the same order 
though. For example, the earliest farming 
societies in the Near East did not use pottery. 
No one is sure if Britain had agriculture, or if 
permanent villages existed there at all. Early 
Japanese societies used pottery before 
developing agriculture. In the Paleolithic Era 
there were many different human species. 
According to current research, only the 
modern human reached the Neolithic Era.
Ancient history was the time from the 
development of writing to the fall of the 
Roman Empire. The fall of the Roman Empire 
caused chaos in Europe, leading to the 
Middle Ages (also called the Dark Ages or 
the Age of Faith).
Sumer was the world's first known ancient 
civilization. The Sumerians took over the 
fertile crescent region of Mesopotamia 
around 3300 BCE. By 3000 BCE, many cities 
had been built in parts of Sumerian 
Mesopotamia. They formed independently 
and each had their own government. They 
were called city-states and often fought with 
each other. Sumer grew crops on the Tigris 
and Euphrates rivers. A surplus in food led to 
a Division of labour. This means that some 
people were able to stop growing crops and 
do other jobs, since enough crops were 
already grown. This brought a split in society. 
Today, such a split is called a social pyramid. 
In a social pyramid, people are grouped into 
social classes based on their wealth and 
power. In Sumer, the king, priests, and 
government officials were at the top of the 
social pyramid. Below them were the artisans, 
merchants, farmers, and fishers. At the 
bottom of the pyramid were slaves. Slaves 
were often prisoners of war, criminals, or 
people working to pay off debt. In Sumer, 
only the sons of the rich and powerful
learned how to read and write. They went to
a school called edubba. Only the boys who 
went to edubba could become scribes. The 
Sumerians created the world's first system of 
writing; it was called cuneiform. The oldest 
versions of one of the world's first literary 
works, the Epic of Gilgamesh, go back to 
this time. They also invented sun-dried 
bricks, the wheel, the ox plow, and were 
skilled at making pottery. They are also 
thought to have invented the sailboat. 
Other civilizations around this time were 
also built along major river systems. 
These civilizations are called river valley 
civilizations. River valley civilizations were
the most powerful civilizations in this time 
period because water was needed to have 
an agricultural society. In the river system of 
Mesopotamia, after the Sumers, two other 
great civilizations rose to power: the 
Babylonians with their king Hammurabi 
(famous for the Codex Hammurabi) and 
the Assyrians. Just to the east was the 
long-lasting civilization of Elam.
Ancient Egypt grew along the Nile river 
and was its most powerful in the second 
millennium BC. When it was its biggest, it 
went all the way from the Nile delta to a 
mountain called Jebel Barkal in Sudan. It 
was created around 3500 BC and probably 
ended at about 30 BC when the country was 
invaded by the Roman Empire. The society 
of ancient Egypt depended on a balance of 
natural and human resources, especially the 
irrigation of the Nile Valley so that Egyptians 
could grow crops. They are also known for 
writing in hieroglyphs, building the famous 
pyramids, other sorts of tombs and big 
temples and for their military. There was a 
great difference between classes in this 
society. Most of the people were farmers but 
they did not own the agricultural products 
they produced. These were property of the 
state, temple, or noble family that owned the 
land. There was slavery, but it is not clear 
how it was practiced. The rulers of ancient 
Egypt tried to keep their people happy by 
religion that made them respect the rulers 
and their past. The religion of Judaism
formed about 1500 BCE in context with the 
Egyptian and Babylonian civilization.
The first dynasty of Ancient China, the 
Shang Dynasty, has been carbon dated 
through Turtle shells with writing on them to 
back to about 1500 BC. They say China 
began as city-states in the Yellow River 
valley. At the end of the Zhou Dynasty lived 
the greatest Chinese philosophers: Kong 
Fuzi, founder of Confucianism, and Laozi, 
founder of Daoism. The Qin emperor Qin 
Shi Huang in 221 BC created the first 
centralized state in China based on his 
political philosophy of legalism and made 
everyone write the same way. He fought 
against Confucianism. He also started a 
precursor of the Great Wall. In 202 BC the 
Han Dynasty took over and developed an 
empire of similar strength as the Roman 
Empire and towards the end of its rule, 
influenced by India introduced Buddhism 
in China.
India / Pakistan:
The Indus Valley Civilization started from 
about 2600 BC to 1900 BC. It marked the 
beginning of urban civilization on the 
subcontinent. It was centered on the Indus 
River and its tributaries. The civilization is 
famous for its cities that were built of brick, 
had a road-side drainage system and 
multi-storied houses. During the Maurya 
dynasty started in 321 BCE, most of the 
Indian subcontinent was united under a 
single government for the first time. Ashoka 
the Great who in the beginning sought to 
expand his kingdom, then followed a policy 
of ahimsa (non-violence) after converting to 
Buddhism. The Edicts of Ashoka are the 
oldest preserved historical documents of 
India, and under Ashoka Buddhist ideals 
spread across the whole of East Asia and 
South-East Asia. The Gupta dynasty ruled 
from around 320 to 550 AD. The Gupta 
Empire included only Central India, and the 
area east of current day Bangladesh, however 
this empire never included present-day 
Pakistan to the west. Gupta society was 
ordered in accordance with Hindu beliefs. 
Historians place the Gupta dynasty 
alongside with the Han Dynasty, Tang 
Dynasty and Roman Empire as a model 
of a classical civilization.
The Maya civilization is a civilization that 
started in Central America. They lived 
mostly on the Yucatán Peninsula in what is 
now known as Mexico, but also Honduras, 
Belize and Guatemala. They were the only 
known civilization of pre-Columbian America 
to have a fully developed written language. 
They also made great achievements in art 
and architecture and had a very advanced 
system of mathematics and astronomy. The 
area where the Maya civilization developed 
was inhabited from around the 10th 
millennium BC. The first Maya settlements 
were built there in about 1800 BC, in the 
Soconusco region. This is in the modern-day 
state of Chiapas in Mexico, on the Pacific 
Ocean. Today, this is called the Early 
Preclassic period. At the time, humans 
began to settle down permanently. They 
started to grow livestock. Pottery and small 
clay figures were made. They constructed 
simple burial mounds. Later they developed 
these mounds into step pyramids. There were 
other civilizations around, especially in the 
north, such as the Olmec, the Mixe-Zoque, 
and Zapotec civilizations. These people 
mostly lived in the area of the modern-day 
state Oaxaca. The exact borders of the Maya 
empire in the north are unclear. There were 
probably areas where Maya culture 
overlapped with other cultures. Many of 
the earliest significant inscriptions and 
buildings appeared in this overlapping zone. 
These cultures and the Maya probably 
influenced one another.
There has been a long history of contact 
between Papuan peoples of the Papua 
New Guinea and the Aboriginal people. 
Aboriginal people seem to have lived a long 
time in the same environment as the now 
extinct Australian megafauna. Stories about 
that are told in the oral culture of many 
Aboriginal groups.
Hallstatt Culture Of Europe:
The Hallstatt Era is named after the city 
Hallstatt in Austria, where the first artifacts 
were found. It lasted from about 1200 BC to 
about 275 BC. There were different periods, 
which today are mainly told apart by the kinds 
of brooches used at the time. These brooches 
changed rather rapidly, and can therefore 
give us good guesses at to what time they 
came from. Hallstatt culture sites have been
found in the east of France, in Switzerland, 
in the south of Germany, in Austria, in 
Slovenia and Croatia, northwestern Hungary, 
southwestern Slovakia and southern Moravia.
The culture can be divided into an eastern 
and a western one quite easily; the dividing 
line runs through the Czech Republic, and 
Austria, between longitudes 14 and 15 
degrees east. In this time, the social
structure developed into a hierarchy. This 
can be documented by various things that 
were added to graves. In the Bronze Age, 
people used to live in big settlements. 
As iron became available, trade routes 
changed. A new richer class evolved. 
Unlike before, these richer class people 
liked to live in big houses in the countryside, 
as a demonstration of their wealth. Funerals 
also changed, from cremation burials, to 
burials with stone coffins. The new upper 
class used their wealth for import goods, 
mostly from the Mediterranean.
La Tene Culture (Celts) Of Europe:
The La Tène culture is a culture that lasted 
from about 500 BC to about 100 AD. It is 
named after the city of La Tène (today, 
Marin-Epagnier, next to Neuchâtel). It 
was influenced a lot by the Roman and 
Greek cultures. Romans and Greeks came 
in contact with the culture. They called them
Celts, usually. They wrote about them. The 
most important work about them was written
by Julius Caesar. It is called On the Gallic 
War (De bello gallico). The Celts basically 
lived in clans. Each clan was headed by a 
leader, which came from the Druids or
the Bards. Women were much better off 
than with the Romans, they were almost 
equal to men. There was polygamy and 
polyandry (A man could have several 
women, a woman could have several men).
Illyria is the part of west-south Balkan 
Peninsula populated by Illyrians whose 
descendants are Albanians. Illyrians lived 
in tribunes such as Epirus, Dardania, 
Taulantia etc. They had their own language, 
the Illyrian language that was different from 
the Greek language and Latin. At the year 
1000 BC the population of Illyria is estimated 
to be around 500,000.
What is known today as Ancient Greece is 
a very important period in history. Most 
people agree that it came after the Minoan 
and Mycenaean civilizations. It ended when 
the Romans invaded Greece, in 146 BC. 
Greek culture had a very powerful influence 
on later civilizations, especially the Romans. 
The Greeks developed what is now called a 
city-state, or a polis. There were many 
polises. Some of the more important ones 
were Athens, Sparta, Corinth and Thebes. 
The word politics comes from there. It literally 
means: things that are about the polis. 
Greek cities did not have much contact 
with each other, because of the mountains 
and many islands Greece is made up of. 
When a city no longer had enough food to 
care for all its citizens, some people were 
sent out to set up a new city. This was called 
a colony. Each city was independent, and 
ruled by someone within that city. Colonies 
also looked to the city where they originally 
came from for guidance. When Greece went 
to war (for example against the Persian 
Empire), there was an alliance of such city 
states, against the Persians. There were also 
many wars between different city states. 
There were many artists and philosophers 
who lived in that period. Most of them are 
still important for philosophy today. A 
well-known artist was Homer. He wrote 
epics about the war against the Trojans, 
and the early history of Greece. Other 
well-known artists were Aristophanes and 
Sappho. Well-known philosophers include 
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. A well 
known mathematician of the time was 
Euclid. Statesmen of the time were 
Pericles and Alexander the Great.
Ancient Rome was a civilization that 
started in modern-day Italy, in the 8th 
Century before Christ. The civilization 
lasted for 12 centuries. It ended, when 
Mehmed II conquered Constantinople, 
on May 29, 1453. According to legend, 
the Roman civilization was founded by 
Romulus and Remus, in the year 753 BC. 
The Roman Empire developed in wars 
against Carthage and the Seleucid Empire. 
Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, modern 
France, and Augustus ended the Roman 
republic by becoming emperor. At its 
biggest extent, the empire covered all 
of the Mediterranean. Rome became so 
big, because it led war against other 
nations and then assimilated their culture.
Split Of East And West:
In 293, Diocletian organized a separate 
administration of the western and the 
eastern part of the empire. The capital 
of the western part was Rome, the capital 
of the eastern part was Constantinople. 
Constantine I was the first to stop 
discrimination against Christians (313). 
Christianity became a state religion under 
the reign of Theodosius I. The western part 
of the empire had many problems with 
barbarians. In the 5th century, the Huns 
migrated westwards. This meant that the 
Visigoths moved into the empire, to seek 
protection. Rome was sacked by barbarians 
multiple times. On September 4, 476, the 
Germanic chief Odoacer forced the last 
Roman emperor in the west, Romulus 
Augustus, to quit. After about 1200 years, 
the rule of Rome in the West came to an 
end. The eastern part had similar problems. 
Justinian I managed to conquer parts of 
North Africa and Italy. Shortly after he died, 
all that was left were parts of Southern 
Italy, and Sicily. In the east, the empire 
was threatened by the Sassanid Empire.
After the fall of Western Rome, the 
Germanic tribes that took over tried to 
learn from Roman civilization, but much 
was forgotten and up to the Renaissance 
not many achievements happened in 
Europe. But with the rise of Islam, many 
changes happened during the Islamic 
Golden Age. The Greek and Roman 
traditions were kept and further development 
took place. The Chinese civilization had a 
Golden Age during the Tang period, when 
their capital was the biggest in the world. 
During the Renaissance, Europe developed 
and made great advancements in many 
areas as well.
Middle East - Islamic Rise And Byzantine Decline:
In Arabia, Muhammad founded Islam in 
632. His followers rapidly conquered 
territories in Syria and Egypt. They soon 
were a direct threat to the Byzantine 
Empire. In the 8th and 9th centuries, the 
Byzantine Empire managed to stop Islamic 
expansion. They even reconquered some of 
the territories lost earlier. In 1000 A.D. 
the eastern Empire was at its height: 
Basileios II reconquered Bulgaria and 
Armenia. Culture and trade flourished. 
Soon afterward in 1071 the expansion 
suddenly stopped. The Battle of Manzikert 
led the empire into a dramatic decline.
For the Byzantine Empire this meant 
several centuries of civil wars and Turkic 
invasions. The Muslim caliphate had an 
Golden Age under the Abbasid. Their 
power forced Emperor Alexius I Comnenus 
of the Byzantine Empire to send a call for 
help to the West in 1095. The West sent 
the Crusades. These eventually led to the 
Sack of Constantinople in the Fourth 
Crusade in 1204. Because of this, what 
was left of the Empire broke into successor 
states. The winner of these disputes was 
that of Nicaea.  After Constantinople was 
again conquered by imperial forces, the 
empire was little more than a Greek 
state on the Aegean coast. The Eastern 
Empire came to an end when Mehmed
II conquered Constantinople on May 29, 
1453. The Ottoman Empire took its place 
and from 1400 to 1600 was the most 
powerful empire in the Middle East and 
ruled at the southern and eastern coast 
of the Mediterranean Sea.
Medieval China:
The Tang Dynasty (618–907), with its capital 
at Chang'an (today Xi'an), was the biggest 
city in the world at the time and is considered
by historians as a high point in Chinese 
civilization as well as a golden age of 
cosmopolitan culture. The Ming Dynasty ruled 
from 1368 to 1644. The Ming built a vast army 
and navy.
Medieval India:
From around the 6th–7th century. In 
South India, Chola kings ruled Tamil Nadu, 
and Chera kings ruled Kerala. They had 
trading relationships with the Roman Empire 
to the west and Southeast Asia to the east. In 
north India, Rajputs ruled in many kingdoms. 
In 1336, two brothers named Harihara I and 
Bukka founded the Vijayanagara Empire in an
area which is now in the Karnataka state of 
India. The most famous king of this empire 
was Krishnadevaraya. In 1565, rulers of this 
empire were defeated in a battle. But the 
empire continued for about the next one 
hundred years. Northern India was ruled 
by Islamic sultans.
Rise Of Japan:
The Heian Period in Japan is famous for its 
art, poetry and literature. The writing system, 
Kana, was developed. It was followed by the 
feudal period (1185–1853) during which 
samurai and daimyos were the leading 
figures and the shogun the real monarch 
whereas the tennō had only a role as 
religious head. Between the years 1272 and 
1281 the Mongols tried to invade but were 
driven out by the Japanese. In 1542, a 
Portuguese ship reached Japan. Japanese 
learned about guns and firearms from them.
Genghis Khan in 1209 brought together 
the Mongol tribes and founded the Mongol 
Empire, one of the largest land empires in 
history. Later Kublai Khan would go on to 
expand the empire and found the 
Mongol-ruled Yuan Dynasty of China. The 
empire later broke into several empires, all 
of which were later destroyed.
European Middle Ages: 
The Middle Ages was the time from the fall 
of the Roman empire until the middle of the 
15th century. From 500 to about 800 there 
was some decline compared with the Roman 
civilization. European villages were often 
destroyed and looted by barbarians such 
as the Vikings. During the High Middle Ages 
magnificent castles and large churches called
cathedrals were built and important works of 
literature were written. In the later Middle 
Ages, there was a plague called the Black 
Death. The Black Death killed one-third to 
one-half of Europe's population. A system
called feudalism was a very important part of 
the Middle Ages. In this system, the king was 
at the top of the social pyramid. The king gave 
land to the lord in exchange for loyalty. The 
lords were the next in the pyramid. The lords 
gave land (called a fief) to knights in 
exchange for loyalty and protection. 
The knights came next in the pyramid. 
Peasants were not part of the feudal 
system because they did not give or receive 
land. They worked on a lord's manor in 
exchange for protection. The Crusades were 
also fought during the Middle Ages. There is 
a theory that says the Crusades helped end 
the Middle Ages along with the Black Death, 
increased trade and better farming 
The Rennaisance:
The Renaissance started in Italy. 
Renaissance is a French word meaning 
"rebirth". The Renaissance meant that 
people learned from the ancient Greek and 
Roman or "classical" cultures that had 
been forgotten for some time. Artists
learned from classical paintings and 
sculptures. So they reinvented perspective
and the art of free standing realistic 
sculptures that had been characteristic in 
Greek and Roman art. Some famous 
Renaissance artists are Leonardo da Vinci, 
Michelangelo, and Raphael. The Gutenberg 
printing press, invented by Johannes 
Gutenberg, was also developed during this 
time. The Renaissance was also a time of 
great achievements in science (Galileo 
Galilei, Francis Bacon), philosophy (Thomas 
More) and literature (Dante Alighieri, William 
The Classical Maya:
What is known as the classical period
lasted from about 250 to about 900. During 
this time, many monuments were constructed.
There are also many big inscriptions from 
then. In this period, the Maya moved to 
building large cities. This is known as 
urbanism. Many important intellectual and 
artistic developments happened in an area 
that is known as the southern lowlands. Like
the Ancient Greeks, the Maya civilization was 
made of many independent city-states. 
Agriculture was important around these city 
states like Tikal and Copán. The most 
important monuments are the pyramids they 
built in their religious centers and the palaces 
of their rulers. The palace at Cancuén is the 
largest in the Maya area. There are no 
pyramids in the area of the palace. Other 
important things the archaeologists found 
include the carved stone slabs usually called 
stelae (the Maya called them tetun, or 
"tree-stones"). These slabs show rulers 
along with hieroglyphic texts describing their 
genealogy, military victories, and other 
accomplishments. In North America, they 
made Mississipian culture with the largest 
land-field from around 800 CE to 1600. The 
Maya also had trade routes that ran over long 
distances. They traded with many of the other 
Mesoamerican cultures, such as Teotihuacan,
the Zapotec, and other groups in central and 
gulf-coast Mexico. They also traded with 
non-Mesoamerican groups, that were farther 
away. Archaeologists have found gold from 
Panama in the Sacred Cenote of Chichen 
Itza. Important trade goods were cacao, salt, 
sea shells, jade and obsidian. In the 8th and 
9th century, the cities in the southern lowlands 
had problems, and declined. At the same 
time, the Maya stopped making big 
monuments and inscriptions. Shortly 
afterwards, these cities were abandoned. 
Currently, archaeologists are not sure why 
this happened. There are different theories. 
Either ecological factors played a role in this, 
or the cause of this abandonment was not 
related to the environment.
The Post-Classical Maya:
In the north, development went on, form the 
10th to about the 16th century. The influences 
from the outside left more traces in the Maya 
culture at that time. Some of the important 
sites in this era were Chichen Itza, Uxmal, 
and Coba. At some point, the ruling dynasties 
of Chichen and Uxmal declined. Afterwards, 
Mayapan ruled all of Yucatán until a revolt in 
1450. The area then degenerated into 
competing city-states until the Yucatán was 
conquered by the Spanish. By 1250, there 
developed other city-states. The Itza 
maintained their capital at Tayasal. It ruled 
over an area extending across the Peten 
Lakes region, including the community of 
Ekckixil on Lake Quexil. Postclassic Maya 
states also survived in the southern 
highlands. One of the Maya kingdoms in this 
area is responsible for the best-known Maya 
work of historiography and mythology, the 
Popol Vuh. The Spanish started to conquer 
Maya lands. This took them much longer 
than with the Inca or Aztecs, because there 
was no capital city. This meant that when 
they had conquered one city, this had little 
influence on the whole empire. The last Maya 
states were finally subdued in 1697. The 
Maya people did not disappear though. 
There are still about 6 million of them. 
Some are well-integrated, others continue 
speak one of the Maya languages and 
uphold their cultural heritage.
The Aztec Empire:
The Aztecs built an empire in Central 
America, mainly in Mexico. The empire 
lasted from the 14th to the 16th century. 
They spoke the Nahuatl language. Their 
capital was Tenochtitlan. It was built on 
islands in a lake. Tenochtitlan was one 
of the greatest cities of the world in that 
time. The Aztecs believed in polytheism. 
Quetzalcoatl (feathered snake), 
Huitzilopochtli (hummingbird of the south) 
and Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror) were 
the most important Gods. Sometimes the 
Aztecs killed humans to please their gods. 
Between 1519 and 1521 the Spanish
leader Hernán Cortés defeated the Aztecs 
and took their empire. Some Aztecs did not 
want to fight against the soldiers of Cortés, 
because they thought they were Gods. 
Today many Mexicans have Aztec and 
other Native American forefathers. 
People still use Aztec symbols in Mexico. 
On the Mexican flag there is a picture of 
an eagle on a cactus with a snake in 
its mouth. This was an Aztec symbol. 
Also the name Mexico is an Aztec word. 
The Aztecs ate a lot of plants and 
vegetables that could be grown easily 
in the Mexico area. The main food that 
they ate was corn, which they called 
maize. Another food that they ate 
was squash. The Aztecs also had a lot 
of harsh punishments for certain crimes.
For the following crimes the punishment 
was death: adultery, wearing cotton 
clothes (cotton clothes were only for 
the nobles), cutting down a living tree, 
moving a field boundary making your 
land bigger, making someone else's 
smaller, major theft and treason.
The Inca Empire:
The Incas were a civilized empire in 
western South America. The Incas are 
called a "pre-Columbian" empire. This 
means that their country was here before 
Christopher Columbus. They ruled parts of
South America around what is now Peru for
a little over 100 years, until the Spanish 
invasion in the 16th century. The Incan 
empire, or Tawantinsuyo, meaning 'four 
regions' in Quechua, only lasted for about 
100 years as the arrival of the Spaniards in 
1532 conquered them. Their main language 
was Quechua, but as the Incas were basically 
made up of many different groups there 
were probably many other different 
languages. Their capital was in the city of 
Cusco, or Qosqo, in what is now southern 
Peru. Manco Capac founded the first Inca 
state around 1200. It covered the area 
around Cusco. In the 1400s, Pachacuti 
began to absorb other people in the Andes. 
The expansion of the Inca Empire had 
started. The Inca Empire would become the 
biggest empire in the Americas before 
Columbus. In 1532, the civil war ended. 
The brothers Huascar and Atahualpa, 
fought for who would succeed their father. 
During this time, the Spanish conquerors 
took possession of the Inca territory. They 
were led by Francisco Pizarro. In the 
following years the conquistadors managed
to extend their power over the whole Andean 
region. They suppressed successive Inca 
rebellions until the establishment of the 
Viceroyalty of Perú in 1542 and the fall of 
the resistance of the last Incas of Vilcabamba 
in 1572. The Inca civilization ends at that 
time, but many cultural traditions remain in 
some ethnic groups as Quechuas and 
Aymara people.
Ancient Africa:
Ancient Egypt and Carthage are well known 
civilizations of ancient Africa. But because 
there are not many written sources in large 
parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, the history of 
Africa is not easy to write about. But with new 
techniques such as the recording of oral 
history, historical linguistics and archeology 
knowledge has improved, not only for the 
empires and kingdoms of Ethiopia, Ghana, 
Mali, Nubia, Kush and Kerma.
European Exploration & Colonization:
Colonization happened after Christopher 
Columbus came to the Americas. European 
countries such as England, France, and Spain 
built colonies in the Americas. These settlers 
fought the Native Americans to take over their 
land. The colonization of the Americas was 
the beginning of modern times. An important 
part about contact with the Americas was the 
Columbian Exchange The Columbian 
Exchange brought new foods, ideas, and 
diseases to the Old World and New World, 
changing the way people lived. Historians 
believe that almost everyone as far as Asia 
was affected in some way by the Columbian 
Reformation And Counter-Reformation:
Protestant Reformation started with Martin 
Luther and the posting of the 95 theses on 
the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, 
Germany. At first he protested against 
corruption such as simony or the sale of 
indulgences. But then it became clear that 
he had different ideas about the church 
doctrine. He thought that Christians should 
only read the Bible to find out what God wants 
from them. That meant that they did not need 
priests (see: Five solas). The three most 
important traditions that came directly from 
the Protestant Reformation were the 
Lutheran, Reformed (Calvinist, Presbyterian, 
etc.), and Anglican traditions. The 
Counter-Reformation, or Catholic 
Reformation, was the Catholic Church 
fighting the Protestant Reformation. New 
religious orders, such as the Jesuits were 
founded and missionaries sent around the 
world. Decisions were taken at the Council of 
Trent (1545–1563).
The Industrial Revolution:
The Industrial Revolution started in Great 
Britain. It brought many advances in the 
way goods were produced. These advances 
allowed people to produce much more than 
they needed for living. The early British 
Empire split as its colonies in America 
revolted to establish a representative 
From Nationalism To Imperialism:
The French Revolution lead to massive 
political change in continental Europe, as 
people following the ideas of Enlightenment 
asked for human rights with the slogan 
"liberté, egalité, fraternité" (liberty, equality, 
fraternity). That led to the Declaration of the 
Rights of Man and of the Citizen, but also to 
terror and the execution of King Louis XVI. 
The French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, 
conquered and changed Europe through 
war up to 1815. As more and more small 
property holders were granted the vote, in 
France and the UK, socialist and trade union 
activity developed and revolution gripped 
Europe in 1848. The last vestiges of 
serfdom were abolished in Austria-Hungary 
in 1848. Russian serfdom was abolished in 
1861. The Balkan nations began to regain 
their independence from the Ottoman 
Empire. After the Franco-Prussian War, 
Italy and Germany became unified in 1870 
and 1871. Conflict spread across the globe, 
in a chase for empires. The search for a 
"place in the sun" ended with the outbreak 
of World War I. In the desperation of war, 
the Russian Revolution promised the people 
"peace, bread and land". The defeat of 
Germany came at the price of economic 
destruction, which was written down in the 
Treaty of Versailles.
China - Continuity:
From 1644 to 1912 the Qing or Manchu 
Dynasty ruled China. The dynasty was 
founded by the Manchu clan in northeast 
China (Manchuria). It expanded into China 
proper and its surrounding territories, 
establishing the Empire of the Great Qing.
Its military power weakened during the 
1800s, and faced with international pressure, 
massive rebellions and defeats in wars, the 
Qing Dynasty declined after the mid-19th 
century. It was overthrown in 1912.
Japan - Continuity:
During the Edo period, Japan had many
small rulers. There were about 200 of them, 
called the daimyo. Out of them, the Tokugawa 
clan was most powerful. They ruled from a 
place called Edo. This place was around the 
present day’s Tokyo. For fifteen generations 
they were the most powerful clan in Japan. 
Beginning from the early 17th century, the 
rulers (known as shogunate) started a policy 
of seclusion (stopping some people coming 
in), known as 'sakoku' in Japanese language. 
They suspected that traders, merchants and 
missionaries wanted to bring Japan under the 
control of European powers. Except the Dutch 
and the Chinese, all foreigners, traders and 
merchants from other countries, missionaries 
were no longer allowed into Japan. Still even 
during the period of seclusion, Japanese 
continued to gain information and knowledge 
about other parts of the world. This policy of 
seclusion lasted for about 200 years. It ended 
1868 with Meiji Restoration, when the 
emperor took over again and started a lot of 
India - The Mughal Empire:
The Mughal Empire existed from 1526 to 
1857. When it was biggest it ruled most of 
the Indian subcontinent, then known as 
Hindustan, and parts of what is now 
Afghanistan. It was founded by Babur in 
1526 and ruled until 1530. Its most important 
ruler was Akbar (1556–1605). After the death 
of Aurangjeb (1658–1707), the Mughal 
Empire became weak. It continued until 
1857. By that time, India came under the 
British Raj.
The Americas:
Settlement by the Spanish started the 
European colonization of the Americas, it 
meant genocide of the native Indians. The 
Spanish gained control of most of the 
Caribbean and conquered the Aztecs. So 
they founded the Spanish Empire in the 
New World. The first successful English 
settlements were in North America at 
Jamestown (Virginia), 1607 (along with its 
satellite, Bermuda in 1609) and Plymouth 
(Massachusetts), 1620. The first French 
settlements were Port Royal (1604) and 
Quebec City (1608). The Fur Trade soon 
became the primary business on the 
continent and as a result transformed the 
Native Americans lifestyle. Plantation slavery 
of the West Indies lead to the beginning of the
Atlantic slave trade. Rivalry between the 
European powers created a series of wars 
on the North American landmass. The 
American Revolution led to the creation of 
the United States of America. Spain's hold 
on its colonies weakened till it had to give 
them independence. The United States 
expanded quickly to the west. At the same 
time, British built more in Canada.
During the 15th century the Portuguese 
began exploring Africa. At the Guinea coast 
they built their first fort in 1482. They started 
the slave trade after the first European 
contact with America in 1492 to supply 
settlers from there with workers. Soon 
English, Spanish, Dutch, French and 
Danish merchants also built forts. But their 
influence on the inland was minor (except 
from decimation of population by slave trade) 
till during the 19th century larger colonies 
were founded.
The 20th century was a very important time 
in history. New technology and different ideas 
led to many worldwide changes in the time of 
just 100 years.
World War I:
World War I was a war fought from 1914 to 
1918. During the time of the war, it was 
called "The Great War", or "The War to End 
All Wars". Chemical poisons, tanks, 
aeroplanes, and bombs were used for the
first time. There were four main causes of the 
war: Imperialism, Nationalism, Alliances, & 
Militarism. These were causes that made it 
likely that a war would start in Europe. The 
"spark" that started the war was the 
assassination of the heir to the throne in 
Austria-Hungary: Archduke Franz Ferdinand 
by a group of young Serbians. 
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia 
and each country's allies then joined the 
war. This created a bigger conflict which 
turned into World War I. Europe divided into 
two groups of allies: the Central Powers and 
the Allied Powers (the "Allies"). The Central 
Powers were made up of Germany, 
Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and 
Bulgaria. The Allies were made up of Britain, 
France, Russia, Italy and the United States. 
World War I was fought on two fronts; the 
Eastern Front and the Western Front. Trench 
warfare was commonly used on the Eastern 
Front. Because of a British blockade, 
Germany began using U-boats, or 
submarines, to sink British ships. After the 
sinking of two ships with Americans on board,
and the public release of the Zimmermann 
Note, The U.S. declared war on Germany, 
joining the Allies. On November 11, 1918, 
Germany signed the armistice, meaning "the 
laying down of arms", to end the war. After the 
war ended, the Treaty of Versailles was 
written and Germany was made to sign it. 
They had to pay $33 million in reparations 
(payment for damage). The influenza 
pandemic of 1918 spread around the world, 
killing millions.
After World War I:
After the war the German Empire, the 
Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and 
Austrian Empire ended and France and 
Britain got weaker. The 1920s and 1930s 
had military-related fascist dictators take 
control of Italy, Germany, Japan and Spain. 
They were helped by the Great Depression 
starting in 1929. When Hitler in 1933 had 
gained power in Germany he prepared 
World War II.
World War II:
Of all the wars ever fought, World War II 
involved the most countries and killed the 
most people. More than 60 million people 
died, making it the worst disaster of all time. 
It lasted six years in Europe, from 1939 to 
1945. It was fought between the Axis Powers 
(Germany, Italy and Japan) and the Allied 
Powers. At first the Axis Powers were 
successful, but that ended in Europe with 
the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 and the 
invasion in Normandy in 1944. But Hitler 
was able to pursue his plan to annihilate 
Jews nearly all over Europe. Today, this 
plan is called the Holocaust. In the Pacific it 
ended with the battles of Midway and 
Guadalcanal. Germany surrendered on May 
8. The atomic bombs on the cities of 
Hiroshima and Nagasaki led Japan to 
surrender on August 15, 1945.
After World War II:
After World War II the United Nations was 
founded in the hope that it could solve 
arguments among nations and keep wars 
from happening. Communism spread to 
Central and Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia, 
Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, North Vietnam 
and North Korea. In 1949, China became 
communist. During the 1950s and 1960s, 
many third world countries became 
communist. This led to the Cold War, a 
forty-year argument between the United 
States, the Soviet Union, and their allies 
(mainly countries that were members of 
NATO or the Warsaw Pact). Each country 
wanted to promote their type of government. 
The Soviet Union wanted to spread 
communism, and the United States wanted 
to spread democracy. People across the world 
feared a nuclear war because of the tension. 
Communism became less popular when it 
became clear that it could not promote 
economic growth as well as Western 
states and that it was not suited for a 
reform that allowed freedom of speech for 
everybody. Therefore, the Soviet Union 
forced Hungary to give up its reform in 
1956, it favored the building of the Berlin 
Wall in 1961 and it stopped reform in 
Czechoslovakia in 1968. When in 1988/89 
Gorbachev made clear that he would not 
force the countries of the East block to stick 
to Communism the Berlin Wall was torn 
down in 1989 and the Soviet Union 
collapsed (1991). Then the United States 
was the only superpower left. After Mao 
Zedong's death China's communist party 
proved that economic reform was possible 
without political freedom and paved the way 
for enormous economic growth. As the 20th 
century ended, the European Union began to 
rise and included former satellite states and 
even parts of the Soviet Union. States in 
Asia, Africa and South America tried to 
copy the European Union. The twentieth 
century was a time of great progress in 
terms of technology. People began to live 
longer because of better medicine and 
medical technology. New communications 
and transportation technologies connected 
the world. But these advances also helped 
cause problems with the environment. The 
last half of the century had smaller wars. 
Improved information technology and 
globalization increased trade and cultural 
exchange. Space exploration expanded 
through the solar system. The structure of 
DNA was discovered. The same period also 
raised questions about the end of human 
history because of global dangers: nuclear 
weapons, greenhouse effect and other 
problems in the environment.
The 21st Century:
As the 20th century ended, globalization 
continued. The September 11 attacks in 
2001 in the U.S. led to new wars. 
Urbanization also continued in countries
like India and China. Some scientists 
referred to this as a "Planetary Phase of 
Civilization". This period has been growing 
of mobile phones and the internet. which 
changed social and natural resources in 
the world. The Arab Spring occured in the 
Middle East and North Africa leading to the 
Occupy movement in the U.S. and reaction
to the world between 2010-2012. A new 
Great Recession affected the world, and 
the COVID-19 pandemic spread in 2020, 
causing further economic and political 
disruption. | image tagged in simothefinlandized,world history,essay,compilation | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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    A HISTORY OF THE WORLD - The Age- Old Songs Of Mankind Throughout The Ages: (Written By SimoTheFinlandized -© 2021 CE) - The history of the world (also called Human history) is the study of what the entire human race did in the past, as recorded. This includes the time from prehistory to the present day. It excludes natural history. - SONG I - THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN SPECIES: - Modern human beings, called Homo sapiens ('wise man') have lived for about 250,000 years. The first Homo sapiens lived at the same time as other species of human. These included Homo erectus ('standing man') and Homo neanderthalensis ('man from Neanderthal'). They were a little bit different from modern humans. The theory of human evolution says that modern humans, Neanderthals, and Homo erectus slowly developed from other earlier species of human-like creatures. Biologists believe that Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and spread from there to all other parts of the world, replacing Homo neanderthalensis in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia. Homo neanderthalensis, generally called Neanderthal Man, was discovered when the cranium of a skull was found in the Neanderthal Valley in 1856. It was different from a modern human skull so scientists believed it was from a new species. Entire Neanderthal skeletons have been found in other places since then. Neanderthals existed before modern humans, and knew how to use tools and fire. When ancient stone tools are found, their style often shows whether they were made by Homo sapiens or Neanderthals (see Palaeolithic). By the end of the Stone Age, it is believed that Homo sapiens were the only type of humans left. - Influence Of Climate: - Climate is different from one part of the world to another. Some areas are hot all year, and some are cold. Some areas are dry all year, and others are wet. Most areas have climates that are warm or hot in the summer and cool or cold in the winter. Most parts of the world get rain at some times of the year and not others. Some parts of the world have oceanic climates and others have alpine climates. These differences cause people to live differently. Climate affects what food can grow in a certain place. This affects what food people eat. If one food is easier to grow, it often becomes a staple food. Staples foods are foods that people eat more of than other foods. Staple foods are usually grains or vegetables because they are easy to grow. Wheat, maize, millet, rice, oats, rye, potatoes, yams, breadfruit and beans are examples of different staple foods from around the world. Climate also affects the types of animals that can live in any area, which affect the types of meats that are available to eat. Climate also affects the buildings that people make, the clothes that they wear and the way that they travel. - Climate Change: - The climate on earth has not stayed the same through human history. There are long periods of time when it is generally warmer, and there are long periods of time when it is generally colder. When it is generally colder, there is more ice on the poles of the planet. A cold period is called an ice age. There have been many ice ages in the history of the earth. Two have affected humans. From 70,000 to around 10,000 years ago there was a big ice age which affected humans and the way that they lived. Between 1600 AD and 1900 AD there was a period called the Little Ice Age when the climate was a little bit colder than usual. - PREHISTORY: - The word "Prehistory" means "before history". It is used for the long period of time before humans began to write about their lives. This time is divided into two main ages: the Paleolithic Age (or Early Stone Age) and the Neolithic Age (or late Stone Age). The two ages did not start and end at the same time everywhere. A place moved from one age to another depending on when people changed their technology. The end of prehistory also varies from one place to another. It depends on the date when written documents of a civilization can be found. In Egypt the first written documents date from around 3200 BC. In Australia the first written records date from 1788 and in New Guinea from about 1900. In the Paleolithic era, there were many different human species. According to current research, only the modern human Homo sapiens reached the Neolithic era. - Paleolithic Era: - The Paleolithic Era is by far the longest age of humanity's time, about 99% of human history. The Paleolithic Age started about 2.6 million years ago and ended around 10,000 BC. The age began when hominids (early humans) started to use stones as tools for bashing, cutting and scraping. The age ended when humans began to plant crops and have other types of agriculture. In some areas, such as Western Europe, the way that people lived was affected by the Ice age. In these places, people moved towards agriculture quicker than in warmer places where there was always lots of food to gather. Their culture is sometimes called the Mesolithic Era (Middle Stone Age). During the Paleolithic Era humans grouped together in small bands. They lived by gathering plants and hunting wild animals. This way of living is called a "hunter-gatherer society". People hunted small burrowing animals like rabbits, as well as birds and herds of animals like deer and cattle. They also gathered plants to eat, including grains. Grain often grows on grasslands where herds of grass-eating animals are found. People also gathered root vegetables, green vegetables, beans, fruit, seeds, berries, nuts, eggs, insects and small reptiles. Many Paleolithic bands were nomadic. They moved from place to place as the weather changed. They followed herds of animals that they hunted from their winter feeding places to their summer feeding places. If there was a drought,flood, or some other disaster, the herds and the people might have moved a long distance, looking for food. During the "Ice Age" a lot of the water on Earth turned to ice. This made sea much lower than it is now. People were able to walk through Beringia from Siberia to Alaska. Bands of Homo sapiens ( another word for people) travelled to that area from Asia. At that time there were rich grasslands with many large animals that are now extinct. It is believed that many groups of people travelled there over a long time and later spread to other parts of America, as the weather changed. Paleolithic people used stone tools. Sometimes a stone tool was just a rock. It might have been useful for smashing a shell or an animal's skull, or for grinding grain on another rock. Other tools were made by breaking rocks to make a sharp edge. The next development in stone tool making was to chip all the edges of a rock so that it made a pointed shape, useful for a spearhead, or arrow tip. Some stone tools are carefully "flaked" at the edges to make them sharp, and symmetrically shaped. Paleolithic people also used tools of wood and bone. They probably also used leather and vegetable fibers but these have not lasted from that time. Paleolithic people also knew how to make fire which they used for warmth and cooking. - Neolithic Era: - The Neolithic era was marked by changes in society. During the Neolithic era, people started to settle down. They developed agriculture and domesticated animals, both of which took a very long time. Because of these two things, people did not have to migrate as much any more. Villages could grow to much larger sizes than before. Over time, villages fought and spread their control over larger areas and some became civilisations. During this time, humankind also developed further intellectually, militarily and spiritually. When humans started to grow crops and domesticate certain animals such as dogs, goats, sheep, and cattle; their societies changed. Because people now grew crops and raised livestock, they started to stay in the same place and build permanent settlements. In most places, this happened between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago. Their diet also changed. People ate more cereals and vegetables. They started to keep extra foods and seeds for later. In some years there were surpluses (extras) that could be traded for other goods. These changes happened independently in many parts of the world. They did not happen in the same order though. For example, the earliest farming societies in the Near East did not use pottery. No one is sure if Britain had agriculture, or if permanent villages existed there at all. Early Japanese societies used pottery before developing agriculture. In the Paleolithic Era there were many different human species. According to current research, only the modern human reached the Neolithic Era. - SONG II - THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF HUMANITY: - Ancient history was the time from the development of writing to the fall of the Roman Empire. The fall of the Roman Empire caused chaos in Europe, leading to the Middle Ages (also called the Dark Ages or the Age of Faith). - Sumer: - Sumer was the world's first known ancient civilization. The Sumerians took over the fertile crescent region of Mesopotamia around 3300 BCE. By 3000 BCE, many cities had been built in parts of Sumerian Mesopotamia. They formed independently and each had their own government. They were called city-states and often fought with each other. Sumer grew crops on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. A surplus in food led to a Division of labour. This means that some people were able to stop growing crops and do other jobs, since enough crops were already grown. This brought a split in society. Today, such a split is called a social pyramid. In a social pyramid, people are grouped into social classes based on their wealth and power. In Sumer, the king, priests, and government officials were at the top of the social pyramid. Below them were the artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers. At the bottom of the pyramid were slaves. Slaves were often prisoners of war, criminals, or people working to pay off debt. In Sumer, only the sons of the rich and powerful learned how to read and write. They went to a school called edubba. Only the boys who went to edubba could become scribes. The Sumerians created the world's first system of writing; it was called cuneiform. The oldest versions of one of the world's first literary works, the Epic of Gilgamesh, go back to this time. They also invented sun-dried bricks, the wheel, the ox plow, and were skilled at making pottery. They are also thought to have invented the sailboat. Other civilizations around this time were also built along major river systems. These civilizations are called river valley civilizations. River valley civilizations were the most powerful civilizations in this time period because water was needed to have an agricultural society. In the river system of Mesopotamia, after the Sumers, two other great civilizations rose to power: the Babylonians with their king Hammurabi (famous for the Codex Hammurabi) and the Assyrians. Just to the east was the long-lasting civilization of Elam. - Egypt: - Ancient Egypt grew along the Nile river and was its most powerful in the second millennium BC. When it was its biggest, it went all the way from the Nile delta to a mountain called Jebel Barkal in Sudan. It was created around 3500 BC and probably ended at about 30 BC when the country was invaded by the Roman Empire. The society of ancient Egypt depended on a balance of natural and human resources, especially the irrigation of the Nile Valley so that Egyptians could grow crops. They are also known for writing in hieroglyphs, building the famous pyramids, other sorts of tombs and big temples and for their military. There was a great difference between classes in this society. Most of the people were farmers but they did not own the agricultural products they produced. These were property of the state, temple, or noble family that owned the land. There was slavery, but it is not clear how it was practiced. The rulers of ancient Egypt tried to keep their people happy by religion that made them respect the rulers and their past. The religion of Judaism formed about 1500 BCE in context with the Egyptian and Babylonian civilization. - China: - The first dynasty of Ancient China, the Shang Dynasty, has been carbon dated through Turtle shells with writing on them to back to about 1500 BC. They say China began as city-states in the Yellow River valley. At the end of the Zhou Dynasty lived the greatest Chinese philosophers: Kong Fuzi, founder of Confucianism, and Laozi, founder of Daoism. The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang in 221 BC created the first centralized state in China based on his political philosophy of legalism and made everyone write the same way. He fought against Confucianism. He also started a precursor of the Great Wall. In 202 BC the Han Dynasty took over and developed an empire of similar strength as the Roman Empire and towards the end of its rule, influenced by India introduced Buddhism in China. - India / Pakistan: - The Indus Valley Civilization started from about 2600 BC to 1900 BC. It marked the beginning of urban civilization on the subcontinent. It was centered on the Indus River and its tributaries. The civilization is famous for its cities that were built of brick, had a road-side drainage system and multi-storied houses. During the Maurya dynasty started in 321 BCE, most of the Indian subcontinent was united under a single government for the first time. Ashoka the Great who in the beginning sought to expand his kingdom, then followed a policy of ahimsa (non-violence) after converting to Buddhism. The Edicts of Ashoka are the oldest preserved historical documents of India, and under Ashoka Buddhist ideals spread across the whole of East Asia and South-East Asia. The Gupta dynasty ruled from around 320 to 550 AD. The Gupta Empire included only Central India, and the area east of current day Bangladesh, however this empire never included present-day Pakistan to the west. Gupta society was ordered in accordance with Hindu beliefs. Historians place the Gupta dynasty alongside with the Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Roman Empire as a model of a classical civilization. - Maya: - The Maya civilization is a civilization that started in Central America. They lived mostly on the Yucatán Peninsula in what is now known as Mexico, but also Honduras, Belize and Guatemala. They were the only known civilization of pre-Columbian America to have a fully developed written language. They also made great achievements in art and architecture and had a very advanced system of mathematics and astronomy. The area where the Maya civilization developed was inhabited from around the 10th millennium BC. The first Maya settlements were built there in about 1800 BC, in the Soconusco region. This is in the modern-day state of Chiapas in Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. Today, this is called the Early Preclassic period. At the time, humans began to settle down permanently. They started to grow livestock. Pottery and small clay figures were made. They constructed simple burial mounds. Later they developed these mounds into step pyramids. There were other civilizations around, especially in the north, such as the Olmec, the Mixe-Zoque, and Zapotec civilizations. These people mostly lived in the area of the modern-day state Oaxaca. The exact borders of the Maya empire in the north are unclear. There were probably areas where Maya culture overlapped with other cultures. Many of the earliest significant inscriptions and buildings appeared in this overlapping zone. These cultures and the Maya probably influenced one another. - Australia: - There has been a long history of contact between Papuan peoples of the Papua New Guinea and the Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people seem to have lived a long time in the same environment as the now extinct Australian megafauna. Stories about that are told in the oral culture of many Aboriginal groups. - Hallstatt Culture Of Europe: - The Hallstatt Era is named after the city Hallstatt in Austria, where the first artifacts were found. It lasted from about 1200 BC to about 275 BC. There were different periods, which today are mainly told apart by the kinds of brooches used at the time. These brooches changed rather rapidly, and can therefore give us good guesses at to what time they came from. Hallstatt culture sites have been found in the east of France, in Switzerland, in the south of Germany, in Austria, in Slovenia and Croatia, northwestern Hungary, southwestern Slovakia and southern Moravia. The culture can be divided into an eastern and a western one quite easily; the dividing line runs through the Czech Republic, and Austria, between longitudes 14 and 15 degrees east. In this time, the social structure developed into a hierarchy. This can be documented by various things that were added to graves. In the Bronze Age, people used to live in big settlements. As iron became available, trade routes changed. A new richer class evolved. Unlike before, these richer class people liked to live in big houses in the countryside, as a demonstration of their wealth. Funerals also changed, from cremation burials, to burials with stone coffins. The new upper class used their wealth for import goods, mostly from the Mediterranean. - La Tene Culture (Celts) Of Europe: - The La Tène culture is a culture that lasted from about 500 BC to about 100 AD. It is named after the city of La Tène (today, Marin-Epagnier, next to Neuchâtel). It was influenced a lot by the Roman and Greek cultures. Romans and Greeks came in contact with the culture. They called them Celts, usually. They wrote about them. The most important work about them was written by Julius Caesar. It is called On the Gallic War (De bello gallico). The Celts basically lived in clans. Each clan was headed by a leader, which came from the Druids or the Bards. Women were much better off than with the Romans, they were almost equal to men. There was polygamy and polyandry (A man could have several women, a woman could have several men). - Illyria: - Illyria is the part of west-south Balkan Peninsula populated by Illyrians whose descendants are Albanians. Illyrians lived in tribunes such as Epirus, Dardania, Taulantia etc. They had their own language, the Illyrian language that was different from the Greek language and Latin. At the year 1000 BC the population of Illyria is estimated to be around 500,000. - Greece: - What is known today as Ancient Greece is a very important period in history. Most people agree that it came after the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations. It ended when the Romans invaded Greece, in 146 BC. Greek culture had a very powerful influence on later civilizations, especially the Romans. The Greeks developed what is now called a city-state, or a polis. There were many polises. Some of the more important ones were Athens, Sparta, Corinth and Thebes. The word politics comes from there. It literally means: things that are about the polis. Greek cities did not have much contact with each other, because of the mountains and many islands Greece is made up of. When a city no longer had enough food to care for all its citizens, some people were sent out to set up a new city. This was called a colony. Each city was independent, and ruled by someone within that city. Colonies also looked to the city where they originally came from for guidance. When Greece went to war (for example against the Persian Empire), there was an alliance of such city states, against the Persians. There were also many wars between different city states. There were many artists and philosophers who lived in that period. Most of them are still important for philosophy today. A well-known artist was Homer. He wrote epics about the war against the Trojans, and the early history of Greece. Other well-known artists were Aristophanes and Sappho. Well-known philosophers include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. A well known mathematician of the time was Euclid. Statesmen of the time were Pericles and Alexander the Great. - Rome: - Ancient Rome was a civilization that started in modern-day Italy, in the 8th Century before Christ. The civilization lasted for 12 centuries. It ended, when Mehmed II conquered Constantinople, on May 29, 1453. According to legend, the Roman civilization was founded by Romulus and Remus, in the year 753 BC. The Roman Empire developed in wars against Carthage and the Seleucid Empire. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, modern France, and Augustus ended the Roman republic by becoming emperor. At its biggest extent, the empire covered all of the Mediterranean. Rome became so big, because it led war against other nations and then assimilated their culture. - Split Of East And West: - In 293, Diocletian organized a separate administration of the western and the eastern part of the empire. The capital of the western part was Rome, the capital of the eastern part was Constantinople. Constantine I was the first to stop discrimination against Christians (313). Christianity became a state religion under the reign of Theodosius I. The western part of the empire had many problems with barbarians. In the 5th century, the Huns migrated westwards. This meant that the Visigoths moved into the empire, to seek protection. Rome was sacked by barbarians multiple times. On September 4, 476, the Germanic chief Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor in the west, Romulus Augustus, to quit. After about 1200 years, the rule of Rome in the West came to an end. The eastern part had similar problems. Justinian I managed to conquer parts of North Africa and Italy. Shortly after he died, all that was left were parts of Southern Italy, and Sicily. In the east, the empire was threatened by the Sassanid Empire. - SONG III - THE NEW DEPARTURES AND CONTINUITY OF MANKIND: - After the fall of Western Rome, the Germanic tribes that took over tried to learn from Roman civilization, but much was forgotten and up to the Renaissance not many achievements happened in Europe. But with the rise of Islam, many changes happened during the Islamic Golden Age. The Greek and Roman traditions were kept and further development took place. The Chinese civilization had a Golden Age during the Tang period, when their capital was the biggest in the world. During the Renaissance, Europe developed and made great advancements in many areas as well. - Middle East - Islamic Rise And Byzantine Decline: - In Arabia, Muhammad founded Islam in 632. His followers rapidly conquered territories in Syria and Egypt. They soon were a direct threat to the Byzantine Empire. In the 8th and 9th centuries, the Byzantine Empire managed to stop Islamic expansion. They even reconquered some of the territories lost earlier. In 1000 A.D. the eastern Empire was at its height: Basileios II reconquered Bulgaria and Armenia. Culture and trade flourished. Soon afterward in 1071 the expansion suddenly stopped. The Battle of Manzikert led the empire into a dramatic decline. For the Byzantine Empire this meant several centuries of civil wars and Turkic invasions. The Muslim caliphate had an Golden Age under the Abbasid. Their power forced Emperor Alexius I Comnenus of the Byzantine Empire to send a call for help to the West in 1095. The West sent the Crusades. These eventually led to the Sack of Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade in 1204. Because of this, what was left of the Empire broke into successor states. The winner of these disputes was that of Nicaea. After Constantinople was again conquered by imperial forces, the empire was little more than a Greek state on the Aegean coast. The Eastern Empire came to an end when Mehmed II conquered Constantinople on May 29, 1453. The Ottoman Empire took its place and from 1400 to 1600 was the most powerful empire in the Middle East and ruled at the southern and eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. - Medieval China: - The Tang Dynasty (618–907), with its capital at Chang'an (today Xi'an), was the biggest city in the world at the time and is considered by historians as a high point in Chinese civilization as well as a golden age of cosmopolitan culture. The Ming Dynasty ruled from 1368 to 1644. The Ming built a vast army and navy. - Medieval India: - From around the 6th–7th century. In South India, Chola kings ruled Tamil Nadu, and Chera kings ruled Kerala. They had trading relationships with the Roman Empire to the west and Southeast Asia to the east. In north India, Rajputs ruled in many kingdoms. In 1336, two brothers named Harihara I and Bukka founded the Vijayanagara Empire in an area which is now in the Karnataka state of India. The most famous king of this empire was Krishnadevaraya. In 1565, rulers of this empire were defeated in a battle. But the empire continued for about the next one hundred years. Northern India was ruled by Islamic sultans. - Rise Of Japan: - The Heian Period in Japan is famous for its art, poetry and literature. The writing system, Kana, was developed. It was followed by the feudal period (1185–1853) during which samurai and daimyos were the leading figures and the shogun the real monarch whereas the tennō had only a role as religious head. Between the years 1272 and 1281 the Mongols tried to invade but were driven out by the Japanese. In 1542, a Portuguese ship reached Japan. Japanese learned about guns and firearms from them. - Mongols: - Genghis Khan in 1209 brought together the Mongol tribes and founded the Mongol Empire, one of the largest land empires in history. Later Kublai Khan would go on to expand the empire and found the Mongol-ruled Yuan Dynasty of China. The empire later broke into several empires, all of which were later destroyed. - European Middle Ages: - The Middle Ages was the time from the fall of the Roman empire until the middle of the 15th century. From 500 to about 800 there was some decline compared with the Roman civilization. European villages were often destroyed and looted by barbarians such as the Vikings. During the High Middle Ages magnificent castles and large churches called cathedrals were built and important works of literature were written. In the later Middle Ages, there was a plague called the Black Death. The Black Death killed one-third to one-half of Europe's population. A system called feudalism was a very important part of the Middle Ages. In this system, the king was at the top of the social pyramid. The king gave land to the lord in exchange for loyalty. The lords were the next in the pyramid. The lords gave land (called a fief) to knights in exchange for loyalty and protection. The knights came next in the pyramid. Peasants were not part of the feudal system because they did not give or receive land. They worked on a lord's manor in exchange for protection. The Crusades were also fought during the Middle Ages. There is a theory that says the Crusades helped end the Middle Ages along with the Black Death, increased trade and better farming technology. - The Rennaisance: - The Renaissance started in Italy. Renaissance is a French word meaning "rebirth". The Renaissance meant that people learned from the ancient Greek and Roman or "classical" cultures that had been forgotten for some time. Artists learned from classical paintings and sculptures. So they reinvented perspective and the art of free standing realistic sculptures that had been characteristic in Greek and Roman art. Some famous Renaissance artists are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. The Gutenberg printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, was also developed during this time. The Renaissance was also a time of great achievements in science (Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon), philosophy (Thomas More) and literature (Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare). - The Classical Maya: - What is known as the classical period lasted from about 250 to about 900. During this time, many monuments were constructed. There are also many big inscriptions from then. In this period, the Maya moved to building large cities. This is known as urbanism. Many important intellectual and artistic developments happened in an area that is known as the southern lowlands. Like the Ancient Greeks, the Maya civilization was made of many independent city-states. Agriculture was important around these city states like Tikal and Copán. The most important monuments are the pyramids they built in their religious centers and the palaces of their rulers. The palace at Cancuén is the largest in the Maya area. There are no pyramids in the area of the palace. Other important things the archaeologists found include the carved stone slabs usually called stelae (the Maya called them tetun, or "tree-stones"). These slabs show rulers along with hieroglyphic texts describing their genealogy, military victories, and other accomplishments. In North America, they made Mississipian culture with the largest land-field from around 800 CE to 1600. The Maya also had trade routes that ran over long distances. They traded with many of the other Mesoamerican cultures, such as Teotihuacan, the Zapotec, and other groups in central and gulf-coast Mexico. They also traded with non-Mesoamerican groups, that were farther away. Archaeologists have found gold from Panama in the Sacred Cenote of Chichen Itza. Important trade goods were cacao, salt, sea shells, jade and obsidian. In the 8th and 9th century, the cities in the southern lowlands had problems, and declined. At the same time, the Maya stopped making big monuments and inscriptions. Shortly afterwards, these cities were abandoned. Currently, archaeologists are not sure why this happened. There are different theories. Either ecological factors played a role in this, or the cause of this abandonment was not related to the environment. - The Post-Classical Maya: - In the north, development went on, form the 10th to about the 16th century. The influences from the outside left more traces in the Maya culture at that time. Some of the important sites in this era were Chichen Itza, Uxmal, and Coba. At some point, the ruling dynasties of Chichen and Uxmal declined. Afterwards, Mayapan ruled all of Yucatán until a revolt in 1450. The area then degenerated into competing city-states until the Yucatán was conquered by the Spanish. By 1250, there developed other city-states. The Itza maintained their capital at Tayasal. It ruled over an area extending across the Peten Lakes region, including the community of Ekckixil on Lake Quexil. Postclassic Maya states also survived in the southern highlands. One of the Maya kingdoms in this area is responsible for the best-known Maya work of historiography and mythology, the Popol Vuh. The Spanish started to conquer Maya lands. This took them much longer than with the Inca or Aztecs, because there was no capital city. This meant that when they had conquered one city, this had little influence on the whole empire. The last Maya states were finally subdued in 1697. The Maya people did not disappear though. There are still about 6 million of them. Some are well-integrated, others continue speak one of the Maya languages and uphold their cultural heritage. - The Aztec Empire: - The Aztecs built an empire in Central America, mainly in Mexico. The empire lasted from the 14th to the 16th century. They spoke the Nahuatl language. Their capital was Tenochtitlan. It was built on islands in a lake. Tenochtitlan was one of the greatest cities of the world in that time. The Aztecs believed in polytheism. Quetzalcoatl (feathered snake), Huitzilopochtli (hummingbird of the south) and Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror) were the most important Gods. Sometimes the Aztecs killed humans to please their gods. Between 1519 and 1521 the Spanish leader Hernán Cortés defeated the Aztecs and took their empire. Some Aztecs did not want to fight against the soldiers of Cortés, because they thought they were Gods. Today many Mexicans have Aztec and other Native American forefathers. People still use Aztec symbols in Mexico. On the Mexican flag there is a picture of an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth. This was an Aztec symbol. Also the name Mexico is an Aztec word. The Aztecs ate a lot of plants and vegetables that could be grown easily in the Mexico area. The main food that they ate was corn, which they called maize. Another food that they ate was squash. The Aztecs also had a lot of harsh punishments for certain crimes. For the following crimes the punishment was death: adultery, wearing cotton clothes (cotton clothes were only for the nobles), cutting down a living tree, moving a field boundary making your land bigger, making someone else's smaller, major theft and treason. - The Inca Empire: - The Incas were a civilized empire in western South America. The Incas are called a "pre-Columbian" empire. This means that their country was here before Christopher Columbus. They ruled parts of South America around what is now Peru for a little over 100 years, until the Spanish invasion in the 16th century. The Incan empire, or Tawantinsuyo, meaning 'four regions' in Quechua, only lasted for about 100 years as the arrival of the Spaniards in 1532 conquered them. Their main language was Quechua, but as the Incas were basically made up of many different groups there were probably many other different languages. Their capital was in the city of Cusco, or Qosqo, in what is now southern Peru. Manco Capac founded the first Inca state around 1200. It covered the area around Cusco. In the 1400s, Pachacuti began to absorb other people in the Andes. The expansion of the Inca Empire had started. The Inca Empire would become the biggest empire in the Americas before Columbus. In 1532, the civil war ended. The brothers Huascar and Atahualpa, fought for who would succeed their father. During this time, the Spanish conquerors took possession of the Inca territory. They were led by Francisco Pizarro. In the following years the conquistadors managed to extend their power over the whole Andean region. They suppressed successive Inca rebellions until the establishment of the Viceroyalty of Perú in 1542 and the fall of the resistance of the last Incas of Vilcabamba in 1572. The Inca civilization ends at that time, but many cultural traditions remain in some ethnic groups as Quechuas and Aymara people. - Ancient Africa: - Ancient Egypt and Carthage are well known civilizations of ancient Africa. But because there are not many written sources in large parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, the history of Africa is not easy to write about. But with new techniques such as the recording of oral history, historical linguistics and archeology knowledge has improved, not only for the empires and kingdoms of Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Nubia, Kush and Kerma. - SONG IV - THE GLOBALIZATION OF MANKIND: - European Exploration & Colonization: - Colonization happened after Christopher Columbus came to the Americas. European countries such as England, France, and Spain built colonies in the Americas. These settlers fought the Native Americans to take over their land. The colonization of the Americas was the beginning of modern times. An important part about contact with the Americas was the Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange brought new foods, ideas, and diseases to the Old World and New World, changing the way people lived. Historians believe that almost everyone as far as Asia was affected in some way by the Columbian Exchange. - Reformation And Counter-Reformation: - Protestant Reformation started with Martin Luther and the posting of the 95 theses on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. At first he protested against corruption such as simony or the sale of indulgences. But then it became clear that he had different ideas about the church doctrine. He thought that Christians should only read the Bible to find out what God wants from them. That meant that they did not need priests (see: Five solas). The three most important traditions that came directly from the Protestant Reformation were the Lutheran, Reformed (Calvinist, Presbyterian, etc.), and Anglican traditions. The Counter-Reformation, or Catholic Reformation, was the Catholic Church fighting the Protestant Reformation. New religious orders, such as the Jesuits were founded and missionaries sent around the world. Decisions were taken at the Council of Trent (1545–1563). - The Industrial Revolution: - The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain. It brought many advances in the way goods were produced. These advances allowed people to produce much more than they needed for living. The early British Empire split as its colonies in America revolted to establish a representative government. - From Nationalism To Imperialism: - The French Revolution lead to massive political change in continental Europe, as people following the ideas of Enlightenment asked for human rights with the slogan "liberté, egalité, fraternité" (liberty, equality, fraternity). That led to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, but also to terror and the execution of King Louis XVI. The French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, conquered and changed Europe through war up to 1815. As more and more small property holders were granted the vote, in France and the UK, socialist and trade union activity developed and revolution gripped Europe in 1848. The last vestiges of serfdom were abolished in Austria-Hungary in 1848. Russian serfdom was abolished in 1861. The Balkan nations began to regain their independence from the Ottoman Empire. After the Franco-Prussian War, Italy and Germany became unified in 1870 and 1871. Conflict spread across the globe, in a chase for empires. The search for a "place in the sun" ended with the outbreak of World War I. In the desperation of war, the Russian Revolution promised the people "peace, bread and land". The defeat of Germany came at the price of economic destruction, which was written down in the Treaty of Versailles. - China - Continuity: - From 1644 to 1912 the Qing or Manchu Dynasty ruled China. The dynasty was founded by the Manchu clan in northeast China (Manchuria). It expanded into China proper and its surrounding territories, establishing the Empire of the Great Qing. Its military power weakened during the 1800s, and faced with international pressure, massive rebellions and defeats in wars, the Qing Dynasty declined after the mid-19th century. It was overthrown in 1912. - Japan - Continuity: - During the Edo period, Japan had many small rulers. There were about 200 of them, called the daimyo. Out of them, the Tokugawa clan was most powerful. They ruled from a place called Edo. This place was around the present day’s Tokyo. For fifteen generations they were the most powerful clan in Japan. Beginning from the early 17th century, the rulers (known as shogunate) started a policy of seclusion (stopping some people coming in), known as 'sakoku' in Japanese language. They suspected that traders, merchants and missionaries wanted to bring Japan under the control of European powers. Except the Dutch and the Chinese, all foreigners, traders and merchants from other countries, missionaries were no longer allowed into Japan. Still even during the period of seclusion, Japanese continued to gain information and knowledge about other parts of the world. This policy of seclusion lasted for about 200 years. It ended 1868 with Meiji Restoration, when the emperor took over again and started a lot of reforms. - India - The Mughal Empire: - The Mughal Empire existed from 1526 to 1857. When it was biggest it ruled most of the Indian subcontinent, then known as Hindustan, and parts of what is now Afghanistan. It was founded by Babur in 1526 and ruled until 1530. Its most important ruler was Akbar (1556–1605). After the death of Aurangjeb (1658–1707), the Mughal Empire became weak. It continued until 1857. By that time, India came under the British Raj. - The Americas: - Settlement by the Spanish started the European colonization of the Americas, it meant genocide of the native Indians. The Spanish gained control of most of the Caribbean and conquered the Aztecs. So they founded the Spanish Empire in the New World. The first successful English settlements were in North America at Jamestown (Virginia), 1607 (along with its satellite, Bermuda in 1609) and Plymouth (Massachusetts), 1620. The first French settlements were Port Royal (1604) and Quebec City (1608). The Fur Trade soon became the primary business on the continent and as a result transformed the Native Americans lifestyle. Plantation slavery of the West Indies lead to the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade. Rivalry between the European powers created a series of wars on the North American landmass. The American Revolution led to the creation of the United States of America. Spain's hold on its colonies weakened till it had to give them independence. The United States expanded quickly to the west. At the same time, British built more in Canada. - Africa: - During the 15th century the Portuguese began exploring Africa. At the Guinea coast they built their first fort in 1482. They started the slave trade after the first European contact with America in 1492 to supply settlers from there with workers. Soon English, Spanish, Dutch, French and Danish merchants also built forts. But their influence on the inland was minor (except from decimation of population by slave trade) till during the 19th century larger colonies were founded. - SONG V - THE 20th CENTURY ONWARDS ACCORDING TO MANKIND: - The 20th century was a very important time in history. New technology and different ideas led to many worldwide changes in the time of just 100 years. - World War I: - World War I was a war fought from 1914 to 1918. During the time of the war, it was called "The Great War", or "The War to End All Wars". Chemical poisons, tanks, aeroplanes, and bombs were used for the first time. There were four main causes of the war: Imperialism, Nationalism, Alliances, & Militarism. These were causes that made it likely that a war would start in Europe. The "spark" that started the war was the assassination of the heir to the throne in Austria-Hungary: Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a group of young Serbians. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and each country's allies then joined the war. This created a bigger conflict which turned into World War I. Europe divided into two groups of allies: the Central Powers and the Allied Powers (the "Allies"). The Central Powers were made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The Allies were made up of Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States. World War I was fought on two fronts; the Eastern Front and the Western Front. Trench warfare was commonly used on the Eastern Front. Because of a British blockade, Germany began using U-boats, or submarines, to sink British ships. After the sinking of two ships with Americans on board, and the public release of the Zimmermann Note, The U.S. declared war on Germany, joining the Allies. On November 11, 1918, Germany signed the armistice, meaning "the laying down of arms", to end the war. After the war ended, the Treaty of Versailles was written and Germany was made to sign it. They had to pay $33 million in reparations (payment for damage). The influenza pandemic of 1918 spread around the world, killing millions. - After World War I: - After the war the German Empire, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Austrian Empire ended and France and Britain got weaker. The 1920s and 1930s had military-related fascist dictators take control of Italy, Germany, Japan and Spain. They were helped by the Great Depression starting in 1929. When Hitler in 1933 had gained power in Germany he prepared World War II. - World War II: - Of all the wars ever fought, World War II involved the most countries and killed the most people. More than 60 million people died, making it the worst disaster of all time. It lasted six years in Europe, from 1939 to 1945. It was fought between the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and the Allied Powers. At first the Axis Powers were successful, but that ended in Europe with the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 and the invasion in Normandy in 1944. But Hitler was able to pursue his plan to annihilate Jews nearly all over Europe. Today, this plan is called the Holocaust. In the Pacific it ended with the battles of Midway and Guadalcanal. Germany surrendered on May 8. The atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led Japan to surrender on August 15, 1945. - After World War II: - After World War II the United Nations was founded in the hope that it could solve arguments among nations and keep wars from happening. Communism spread to Central and Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, North Vietnam and North Korea. In 1949, China became communist. During the 1950s and 1960s, many third world countries became communist. This led to the Cold War, a forty-year argument between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies (mainly countries that were members of NATO or the Warsaw Pact). Each country wanted to promote their type of government. The Soviet Union wanted to spread communism, and the United States wanted to spread democracy. People across the world feared a nuclear war because of the tension. Communism became less popular when it became clear that it could not promote economic growth as well as Western states and that it was not suited for a reform that allowed freedom of speech for everybody. Therefore, the Soviet Union forced Hungary to give up its reform in 1956, it favored the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961 and it stopped reform in Czechoslovakia in 1968. When in 1988/89 Gorbachev made clear that he would not force the countries of the East block to stick to Communism the Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989 and the Soviet Union collapsed (1991). Then the United States was the only superpower left. After Mao Zedong's death China's communist party proved that economic reform was possible without political freedom and paved the way for enormous economic growth. As the 20th century ended, the European Union began to rise and included former satellite states and even parts of the Soviet Union. States in Asia, Africa and South America tried to copy the European Union. The twentieth century was a time of great progress in terms of technology. People began to live longer because of better medicine and medical technology. New communications and transportation technologies connected the world. But these advances also helped cause problems with the environment. The last half of the century had smaller wars. Improved information technology and globalization increased trade and cultural exchange. Space exploration expanded through the solar system. The structure of DNA was discovered. The same period also raised questions about the end of human history because of global dangers: nuclear weapons, greenhouse effect and other problems in the environment. - The 21st Century: - As the 20th century ended, globalization continued. The September 11 attacks in 2001 in the U.S. led to new wars. Urbanization also continued in countries like India and China. Some scientists referred to this as a "Planetary Phase of Civilization". This period has been growing of mobile phones and the internet. which changed social and natural resources in the world. The Arab Spring occured in the Middle East and North Africa leading to the Occupy movement in the U.S. and reaction to the world between 2010-2012. A new Great Recession affected the world, and the COVID-19 pandemic spread in 2020, causing further economic and political disruption.