The sponge who can fly is a fictional lost episode in the spongebob universe. Its on dvd and you can just watch it there. Also you would need the 1950 south korea eas alarm music that plays at the end of suicidemouse to make the whole video
Disturbing facts; You won't get terminated if you follow YouTube's rules; All movies were actually based on a true story; Both SpongeBob and Mickey Mouse has got some hallucinations, their friends were actually illusions or imaginations; Minecraft may have its last update; You have 3 strikes, the first 2 will give you a warning, if you go to the third and final warning, you will possibly get terminated; There is a lost episode from SpongeBob called "The Sponge who Could Fly" that is still being lost until now; If you stare at the image of the infamous bootleg episode of SpongeBob, he'll blink; No matter how many videos you watch, the Mr Incredible meme can't go away; MrDweller may milk those memes or use them a lot; He may also make even more variants, he can't even stop making cringe content; Speaking of MrDweller, some Spanish channels are making some variants of this meme; You can mix Discs 5, 11 and 13 in Minecraft, it makes some scary sounds; Actually, this phase has a reversed music, and it is called "It's a Small World (Creepy Piano)"; You may have a minute to live; If you have Somniphobia, there would be a chance of someone watching you at night; What if every link you click was a rickroll? There was actually a lost episode of Robot Jones; If you try "U53RDV" in Plants vs. Zombies, the developer mode will activate and you can get access to an alternate version of the game; Phase 38 is phase 22 but reversed; Phases 4, 5 and 6 mixed together can make an entire video of Suicide Mouse; If you hear some phases, you can hear soundtracks from Sonic.exe; There are phases where Sonic CD were reversed; Those facts should be either real or fake