Hey, I'm sorry you have to go through that, but we all have those moments. I want you to know, the only reason they're picking on you, is because they need to feel good about themselves. They think that expressing their negative emotions through you will help them feel better. This is false. No matter what they do, you can always have the last laugh, because they will never, and I repeat, never, feel better about themselves this way. If you laugh with them, when they laugh at you, (and yes, I know it hurts) their confidence will drop like a rock. However, for the moment, I want you to consider yourself brave! You opened up your situation to a social media, where millions of people can see! Those jerks? They can't even open up to a school counselor about their issues. I'm very sorry I can't do more about your IRL situation, (unless you live on the west coast, of course) but I hope this helped a little bit.