we live in a relatively informed and enlightened age, with heavy emphasis here on 'relatively'. we know more than mankind has ever known before and we have a better idea of the connectedness of principles. one consequence is that preceding ideas are updated or replaced at a greater pace. another is that we're more inclined to be skeptical of everything, including the "established and foundational". it's not entirely unhealthy. many generally accepted ideas turn out to be incomplete or at least inaccurate. what's not happening, however, is that we're not becoming substantially more open-minded about new ideas. many new ideas are both very incomplete and inaccurate, or pure bs, so trusting the new is always a risk. leaving behind the accepted and comfortable is often hard to do. one piece of good news, I think, is that we are nowhere near fulfilling our current social/cultural/intellectual potential. be courageous and take risks that seem wise to you. adjust your strategy as you go.