Help 3 (Come up with the name yourself); You remembered about the death of one of your friends; Have you decided to go back; You got lost and lost the portal back to hell; You had to walk for a long time; You saw a familiar road; It led to the house of an evil witch; Your friends were reeling from fear, but you alone were not afraid; You went to the witch; And you've going to get into her house; There is no other choice; AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA — did you hear; The witch had an assistant; It was TheMrDwellerFan; You ran to tell your friends; Although stop... You met Anti MrDweller; He said you have to stop the witch; She was stronger than you, she'll kill you the first time; And Anti MrDweller too she can kill the first time; You survived; And Anti MrDweller too; The witch sent TheMrDwellerFan; Wtf? Where did TheMrDwellerFan get the bazooka from? He pointed it at you; You dodged; TheMrDwellerFan has run out of shells; The witch is gone; Hand-to-hand combat began; Anti MrDweller sent his assistants; Came JustASpookyTroll, Justahappytrollonimgflip3, Justacheemsdoge, Rick Astley 133, Funtime Foxy, Copycatdude and others MrDweller haters; You started fighting; Funtime Foxy, Justahappytrollonimgflip3 and Copycatdude has got a AK-47; JustASpookyTroll, Rick_Astley133 and MrDwellersucks2 has got a shotgun; They started shooting at TheMrDwellerFan; TheMrDwellerFan died; The Witch Remains; She died immediately; You've made new friends, you've going to find dead friend; The rate is 2 times higher – 2 uptoves = Help 4