This is facts though fr. I’ll also add that family owned or small businesses are slowly being strangled out of existence by these huge corporations that need to be broken up. I thing meta (Facebook) needs to be broken up because they have a huge monopoly in the digital world. Disney needs to be broken up because they nearly have a complete monopoly in the show and movie business. They really only exist the way they are now is because they pay corrupt officials to not do anything against them. Then they put a chokehold on anyone starting a business as they are the more likely go to for movies. And Facebook has become so “essential” that you need it for work and if you don’t have an account, you can’t see anything. And all meta products (including the recently bought vr company) require a Facebook account or you can’t use them, and if your account gets banned yoh can’t use them. It literally is a cutoff from the rest of society that shouldn’t be there or exist just because you don’t have an account for a social media app.