"So I been telling this litle story about this bull out in the field with six cows -and three of them are pregnant... so you know he got somethin' goin' on-; but all he care about is kept his nose against the fence looking at three other cows that didn't belong to him... now all he had to do is eat grass. But no, no, no, he thought something was better somewhere else... so he decided 'I want to get over there.' So one day he; measure that fence up and he say 'I think I can jump this' so that day came where he got back and he got back and as he took; off running, he dove over that fence and he belly got cut up under the bottom but as he made it over on the other side he shook; it off and got so excited about it and he ran to the top of that hill but when he got up there he realize they were bulls too."; -Herschel Walker on the campaign trail, telling a weird story involving bovine promiscuity and seemingly about the importance of knowing how good one has it, being content where one is (hypocritical considering he's actively working to change where he is... but hey, we already know he's a hypocrite) and possibly trying to explain why he can't keep his junk in his pants(?)/ low-key confessing personal experience with a crossdresser(s).