Camping Part 3 (Final); You see Sirenhead. It starts to make the noise, it's way too loud for you. It stopped the siren. You need to run away from it. You escape, but then, you realized that it's a very long way to go. Who is that coming to you? Oh no, It's MrDweller. You realized you can slap him in the face. You slap him very hard and he's finally dead. Wait a minute, you forgot the person that came with you and the Golden Wings he saved. Now you need to go back, It's been like 10 minutes you walked or runned, but you finally arrive and get everything packed, you even grab him. He's too heavy to be carried, you don't want to let him go but your arms are getting tired so you drop him and just leave him there. You are going to miss him so much. But, you just go walk away from him, you hope somebody notices him. A lion is coming after you again. You kick the lion and he's dead, you just hope you see a helicopter. You see one right now, You shout for help! It doesn't hear your voice. You need to just walk, there is no help for you. You finally arrived to the end of the forest. Now you need to find a car, You hope it's not the Peel P50 again. It's not the same, but it's another small car. BMW Isetta. Are you serious right now? You just go in the car and the engine starts faster. It's going so fast! But it's way too fast. You launch in the air. It landed perfectly and you don't know how. You arrived at your house but it got destroyed. It's a hallucination luckily but, You went inside and nothing is there. It's another hallucination again. What's happening to you? Well, nothing of course. Wait, who's that? That's the person that came with you in the forest. He said "I managed to revive myself, luckily."; You will never go camping again because it's way too dangerous. You almost forgot, Golden Wings for Dinner. You eat lots of them. He wants to be your friend. Now you finally have a friend that's so cool! He told you what happened to him, he got cursed and died but then it stopped and he managed to get up and survive. You watch many movies together. After that, you sleep.