Hi. Owner of the Horny stream here.
While I see your concern of Minors, running the stream, have you ever come to think of the conclusion this is the internet? No matter how much you try to stop a minor from looking at porn, eventually, a Minor is going to look at it. We cannot be forever blinded for it, it exists. Now, let me explain. I do not believe minors, should be able to access NSFW, but it is out of my control. If It were up to me, Minors would not be able to view certain contents, but may I say this: Why are you concerned about it? The No Nudity rule, was added in general, I believe is a default rule for any stream. Point is, the Horny stream does Follow Imgflip TOS. I as the owner, have been cracking down on things that are submitted and what goes into the horny stream. Such as Uncesnored images, CP (Which HAS been submitted but Dissaproved and Reported.), Marking all Images as NSFW, and Keeping certain content such as CP, Zoophila, and many more out of the stream. While I want to control certain things, Not all of it is in my control. My Stream is being watched over by a site mod, who is helping me determine which things are acceptable in the imgflip is not a porn site rule, and I am pleased to say we havent gotten any violations. I'll have you also know I personally, go through Images to see if it breaks TOS. I take time out of my day to watch over this stream, and I do all things needed to keep the stream from possibly being deleted. But thank you for telling me your concern! Once again, like I said, some things are not in my control. Some users may lie about their age, and other things to passby the system. It's nothing new. We have seen some underage imgflip users get caught up and they have been banned, and reported to global mods. So to Summarize, while I see your concern about the things going on in my Stream, I advise you also not send a swarm of people to the stream to attack it. This is one our rules, to please not start wars or conflict in my stream. If you have any other questions, Comments, or concernsPlease tell me. If you really believe My stream breaks imgflip TOS, we may speak to a site mod together, and I will not complain if they delete my stream, as I will be satsfied, knowing I have done everything I can do in my power. Thank you!