Tribalism has no place in the domain of politics. The root word of politics comes from polis; that which concerns the city (or the state) and the citizen. The dichotomy of what is best for the individual verses the state is the eternal struggle of politics. To introduce tribalism into it erases the importance of the individual and creates two or more clashes of state. When the individual is ignored or forgotten between two opposing states, it ceases to be a debate and becomes war.
That isn’t to say war is devoid of politics nor that war isn’t a viable option. However, if a person would prefer mock, arrest, or kill anyone solely because of political opposition rather than seek acknowledgement, compromise, and mutual interest then that person’s motive is questionable. It is no good being loyal if what you’re loyal to is evil. To put it another way, tribalism is a synonym for partisan. To ignore good ideas just because they didn’t come from your tribe is incredibly naive and antithetical to bureaucracy and diplomacy.