1. Hate speech can be justifiably banned in employment contexts and by private forums (like Imgflip), though it shouldn’t be criminalized unless there’s an imminent risk of violence.
2. “The wall” is an expensive boondoggle that’s premised on faulty assumptions. Most illegal immigrants enter through ports of entry (airports, seaports, official border crossings), not the desert. We should pursue a path to legalization for illegal immigrants who aren’t otherwise bothering anybody.
3. Although the First Amendment guarantees freedom of association, the KKK is close enough to being a terrorist organization that it ought to be dismantled. Antifa doesn’t quite meet that criteria for being labeled terrorist, though it should be watched (and I’m sure it is). BLM certainly doesn’t qualify as “terrorist.” (The George Floyd riots were spontaneous expressions of rage and grief in response to a viral video of a murder, they weren’t planned or organized by BLM.)