Critics accuse this denomination of being male-dominated and non-affirming. How should we respond? And we must affirm the LGBTQ+ community and bless same-sex unions. We need to wake up and permit women to serve as our pastors. Follow Scripture, not social mores. AIIIEEEEEE! AAAAAAA! I’m no pastor but I was taught that men and women are equal in value yet have complementary roles. For example, wives must submit to their husbands just as husbands must love and serve their wives. Only a MAN with a maximum of *one* WIFE (not “wives” or “husband”) can hold the office of pastor. And same-sex relations and cross-dressing are forbidden, plain and simple. All are welcome in our churches, but don’t expect us to entertain requests to perform same-sex nuptials! We’ll defend the truth, not public opinion! Good job, Lucas! And for anyone out there questioning my decision to throw those two out the window, I’ll leave you with this:; “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? …Expel the wicked person from among you.” -1 Cor. 5:12-13 (NIV)