The worst things happened to ME in MRINCREDIBLE stream:; Comment and post ban unlimited time left; Comment ban for 48 hours for no reason; Comment ban for 24 hours for no reason; Comment ban for 3 hours for no reason; Getting banned from the stream; I did something wrong and they don't tell me why; The owner of the stream is now a latest post user; Mariofan7000 is offline and might have died; The stream gets deleted by the owner of Imgflip; I get deleted from the stream; I was offline from Imgflip and gotten 50 notifies; I was offline from Imgflip and gotten 30 notifies; The post wasn't featured yet. My safari crashing while making a post; I type the wrong thing; Getting comment banned by Justahappytroll a million times; Getting comment banned by someone else; Getting comment banned by Justahappytroll that says "No one cares"; I ran out of ideas; I forgotten my idea; Getting my comment deleted but no comment ban; I get rickrolled; I get roasted; Justahappytroll's brother is back; I get a downvote; Nothing; I get a comment; I get a upvote; I get 2 upvotes; I get 3 upvotes; I get 4 upvotes; I get 5 upvotes; I get 10 upvotes; My post is in the front page; I get 30 upvotes; I get 900 upvotes; It gets more followers