Some may say that I do not listen to their views. That's partially true. There are individuals of the politics stream I just don't listen to. This is in part due to a couple compounding biases that I just can't break or bypass. I've exposed myself there, explained my background, related to them, conceded on some arguments but still, I receive no concessions back. That was in 2020.
Most of the stuff they say is a very naunced alternate reality that is still "true" and "factual" but the interpretations are different. There are some misonceptions that hang heavily with their party that encourage us not to listen for a multitude of reasons.
Such as,, being labeled as baby-killers, anti-American (pre 1/6th), etc. etc. I have made attempts to reconnect since, but found out there's a new argument by the right wing called "Okay Groomer." A dismissive, I don't want to answer you, or acknowledge your logic kind of statement.
Following that, there's the red-herring "Maybe they're corrupt, but all government is corrupt." and all flavorings of that to cast hopelessness or apathy onto the party trying to hold suspects to justice. Note, that I said that carefully as all suspects are innocent until proven guilty.
Then once I call them on that, they move the goalposts, or try to change what the discussion is about completely. "But her emails!" "But Biden's laptop!" "Biden is demented." Knowing how if Biden or Clinton or Obama did what Trump and his party is suspected of doing, they'd be out for blood. But then again, that's what 1/6 was I guess. But still... how can they deny what's in front of their faces? 60 differeint hearings from Trump appointed judges (some of them) multiple checks and balances and he kept ignoring them until someone said "yes." but no one did.
I just don't get it. I can't reason with these people. I can express sympathy for being conned, but most don't want to see the con.