“What is your opinion of the current state of the American justice system?”
In response, 79.3 percent of Americans said that “[t]here are two tiers of justice in the American justice system: one set of laws for politicians and Washington D.C. insiders vs. one set of laws for everyday Americans.” Only 11.6 percent said that “there is one system of justice with laws applied to all Americans equally.” The remaining 9.1 percent of respondents were unsure of their answers.
Along party lines, an overwhelming majority of every political affiliation agreed with the “two-tiered” sentiment: 66.7 percent of Democrats believe the justice system is corrupt, with only 17.5 percent saying that there is one justice system for everyone. Among Republicans, 87.8 percent said the justice system in America is two-tiered, with just 6.9 percent disagreeing. And 77.2 percent of independents agreed with the notion of a two-tiered justice system, against 13.8 percent who think it is fair and equal for all.