It’s actually going to end very well. We accused Danny on the grounds of a role play that happened 2 years ago with Cloud’s sister, though I’m not supposed to bring that up. Olymp was banning us for mentioning it at one point. I’m not sure how you or foxy were accused (I unbanned foxy personally, twice I think). The only thing I heard about foxy being banned was spam which was utter bullshit. And of course we’re gonna get groomers, it’s the second largest stream on the site, what did you expect. We try to weed out as many as we can but we don’t catch all of them. Gaslighting I’ve seen before so that’s a correct claim, and hypocrisy at its finest ig. I’m not sure why your so mad about being banned if you hate it so much. Even then, we can’t catch them if offenses are committed in other streams that are not our own. I’m not the best mod in MSMG, nor do I try to be, but if you can give us tips to improve the stream, that can go a long way to making it better.