Curtis “USAF, Lit AF” LeMay
Curtis “Bankrupting fire insurance since 1945” LeMay
Curtis “Fire up the B-29s” LeMay
Curtis “Airborne Cremation for the Japanese Nation” LeMay
Curtis “Yankee kite sets Tokyo alight” LeMay
Curtis “You can’t retreat if I burn your street” LeMay
Curtis “I’m in the sky while the Japs fry” LeMay
Curtis “Osaka at night is prettier alight” LeMay
Curtis “Firestorm is the Norm” LeMay
Curtis “Historic sight? Set it alight” LeMay
Curtis “Got a shelter? Here comes the melter” LeMay
Curtis “Unburnt Japanese city? What a pity!” LeMay
Curtis “Napalm sticks to Japs” LeMay