Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny but it's the image Description; Mr. Incredible; You are Realistic; You are Greyscale Realistic and tears; Image from Very Old Newspaper; The face of Derrick Todd Lee is photoshopped on your face; Same as Old Newspaper but You have no Eyes; You are Eyeless Derrick Todd Lee; YOU ARE EATING EYES; You have no eyes and it's midnight outside; Same as Previous phase but you have eyes and a creepy smile, and it's brighter; You are just a Skull; You are Red Mono Colored and you have a Creepy Smile; Same as Red Mono Colored but you are eating eyes with a wider smile; You turned into Trollge; You are still Trollge but sitting at a corner; You are dollthing.jpg but distorted; You are a Shaking Red Skull; You are a Smiling Trollge Monster; You are "TROLLFACE.EXE"; You are a Skull but with glowing eyes; You are a Creepy Ghost with Glowing Eyes; You are the Crying Radio Man; You are the image "Hunger" by Fredrik Andreasson