There are people who are conservative who want to tear the government down a restart it with people who care about the Constitution and our rights. I am not one of those people but they do have a valid point. My hope is that the left will become just too insane for the average Democrat and they will wake up out of their brainwashed stupor and actually see what they have been mindlessly supporting all these years.
Unfortunately when I have conversations with them on ImgFlip I really don't think there's much hope of that ever happening. All they do is call me a liar, brainwashed by Fox News, a Nazi or some other meaningless insult. Or they just tell me I'm wrong without any explanation of why Im wrong. Not all of them do that but 99% do.
And then when I make a comment or meme and the mods find it too conservative for their communist standards and remove it and tell me I can't post for a certain number of hours. That behavior the left is employing on all social media is not changing minds, it is making people more committed to their beliefs. Either the left knows that and is using that to further divide the nation, or they're idiots who do not understand human behavior. I think it is mostly both. Marx clearly did not understand human behavior.