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Bannon predicts Trump's intent to steal election on 'Trick or Treat' night 2020...

Bannon predicts Trump's intent to steal election on 'Trick or Treat' night 2020... | “WHAT TRUMP’S GONNA DO IS JUST DECLARE VICTORY... BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN HE’S A WINNER” | image tagged in trump,election 2020,the big lie,steve bannon,gop corruption,political criminals | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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You guys love beating a dead horse. I’m sure this is a welcome & wonderful distraction from Biden’s economy on the cusp of a recession. Horrific inflation and record high gas & food prices. A massive immigration problem. Fentanyl and opiate epidemics. Food and formula shortages. Supply chain issues. Covid numbers (cases & deaths) are up WAY more than the last administration, and Biden had the shot and boosters and masks. The Russia Ukraine mess. Mass shootings are out of control. But you keep posting memes about Steve Bannon. Lmfao.
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If you were actually honest, you'd state Dems cheered on human rights advocates nationally but were legitmately "outraged" when Republicans tried to illegally steal an election they legitimately lost.
2 ups, 2y,
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Actual human rights advocates wouldn't BURN AND LOOT WHOLE NEIGHBORHOODS OR MURDER PEOPLE!
0 ups, 2y
It's totally insane for these people to call that legitimate protesting...
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If you were totally honest, you wouldn't be parroting the elitist-controlled misleadia...
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There's a huge difference between people protesting for equal rights and those attempting an insurrection due to Trump lying to them about a stolen election and them believing that BS.
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Sure... keep spouting that lie... the tape says otherwise...
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What tape is that?
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Oh... you went after what the democrat propaganda media said... LOL
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Still haven't answered the question.
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So you didn't see his speech at the WH on Jan 6?

0 ups, 2y
Neither did the Capital rioters see his speech either... so...
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Whose speech? Trump's? Yeah, I saw it, along with DJTJ's, Eastman's etc. They were all firing up the crowd, with each still promoting Trump's BIG LIE. I get people getting totally pissed and aggressive if believing the election was stolen from them but the fact remains, that was always a lie and Trump played his followers as dupes.
1 up, 2y
Remember the number of Trump hate memes is equal to the number of times Biden messed up in a given period of time.
0 ups, 2y
Really? Only a mindless partisan idiot would ever make such an absurd assertion. I challenge you to provide me with just ONE example of any prior meme wherein I ever mentioned Steve Bannon. FYI... you won't find one because I've never previously mentioned him. How do I know that? Easy... truth tellers tend to remember what they've said in the past because it's based on facts, while liars never do.

Perhaps you care to explain how every other allied nation on earth are experiencing the exact same inflationary issues with regard to high food & gas prices even though Biden doesn't dictate policies in their countries.

I'd also love to hear your theory on why the US is the country in the world that ever experiences mass shootings on a daily basis. That's not Biden doing either; it's Republicans who have created such, due to prioritizing financial donations into their coffers from gun lobbyists rather than curbing extremism within their ranks.
3 ups, 2y
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Why do Democrats continue to insist that election fraud does not exist — and that such “baseless claims” have been “debunked” — when prominent Democrats insisted (in 2017 and 2018 and 2019 and 2020) that election fraud does exist and it’s a very big problem?
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Minor election fraud happens in every election. There was not, however, such overriding fraud in 2020 that would have changed the outcome of the election.
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Sorry... only a proper investigation could determine that... but I believe in the statistical analysis saying the election was stolen...
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There have been multiple proper investigations already, not only by Trump's own DOJ & FBI but also in each of the swing states. How many times do you want Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc to do a hand recount and perform yet another forensic audit that comes up with the same results each time. Hell, even the fraudit audit performed a totally GOP partisan hack group - the Cyber Ninjas - couldn't find any in AZ.
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Why were 78 million American votes from 800 counties in seven states sent overseas to be “handled” by a bankrupt Spanish company in Barcelona called SCYTL in 2020? Why is SCYTL’s biggest customer the Department of Defense? Why would the Department of Defense subcontract the “processing” of 78 million American votes to a foreign company?

For that matter, why is the Department of Defense involved in our elections at all?
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JFC... you really have climbed down the rabbit hole. Where are you getting that nonsense from? Let me guess... it's some extremist right wing site, right?
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Yes... they wouldn't want any investigation because it's true...
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It's not true; anymore than Trump proclaiming he won the 2020 election. There's a reason why Americans have a reputation for being the most gullible people in the world in allied states internationally.
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Why did the Associated Press just publish an article that admitted Dominion voting machines are vulnerable to hacking — and must be fixed immediately with software patches in 16 states? Why did the federal government’s own cybersecurity agency (CISA) send out a bulletin to state election officials on June 3rd that warned them about nine security vulnerabilities that must be addressed?
0 ups, 2y
You mean this one...

Had you actually read the article, it addresses the fact their report is in reponse to "voting integrity activists" and based on a report generated by University of Michigan computer scientist, J. Alex Halderman, an expert witness in a long-running lawsuit dating back to 2017 (before Dominion machines were even purchased) and "is unrelated to false allegations stemming from the 2020 election".

CISA further went on to state they had identified POTENTIAL "vulnerabilities" within Dominion machines that "should be quickly mitigated" but “has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections.”

Here's CISA's full report...
0 ups, 2y,
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Why has a federal judge in Georgia refused to release a report by a cybersecurity expert who inspected Dominion voting machines and found them vulnerable to hacking and manipulation?

Why is Judge Amy Totenberg opposed to the public release of J. Alex Halderman’s special report regarding the vulnerability of electronic voting machines?

Why has Judge Totenberg denied a request by the Louisiana secretary of state to review the special report? (Louisiana uses Dominion voting machines as well.) Why has Judge Totenberg denied access to the Halderman report to media outlets as well?

Media outlets such as Fox News and One America News (OAN) are currently being sued for defamation by Dominion — and a federal judge is refusing to release a report that reportedly shows the Dominion machines are not secure?

Think about it.
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Legally speaking, my guess would be because some unqualified partisan hack wrote it and is completely devoid of evidentiary facts.
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It's expert testimony... get a rebuttal witness if you don't like it...

But hey... you go with the propaganda narrative... you're so invested in getting Trump... I get it...

Your side can't win against him fair and square...
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You've got a hell of a lot to learn about who are considered to credible "experts" in a court of law. FYI... both educational and professional background must provide clear evidence of their qualified ability to speak on the matter at hand. Many who proclaim themselves to be 'experts' never actually achieve such. I'm sure, however, you still think the Cyber Ninjas who performed the fraudit in Arizona were actually qualified.

You're projecting again. Unlike you, I actually possess a legal education, so can easily discern fact from fiction, even when highly corrupt partisan lawyers are pushing agendas they know themselves are blatantly illegal.
0 ups, 2y
oh you forgot Crowdstrike... LMAO
1 up, 2y,
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The left just has to have their boogymen and they always make the huge mistake of assuming that every conservative loves whomever becomes they're boogyman du jour.
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What? Seriously, what? You're not even being coherent. FYI... Bannon is totally 'Team Trump', 'Team MAGA', etc, but even he knew before the election was ever held that Trump was going to try to steal it if he lost.
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Yeah but I'm not "totally 'Team Trump'" and Bannon is Alt-Right. I voted for Trump in 2020 but not on 2016. I'm not Alt-Right, I'm a Constitutionalist.

What is incoherent to you is you think everyone on the right is monolithic in their thinking.

I knew in 2016 that the Democrats would never allow Trump to be re-elected. They tried everything they could think of to get him thrown out of office. Democrats have been stealing elections since Obama got those electronic vote rigging machines. They've trying to steal elections for much longer. 2016 was when they failed. BTW this is why Bernie Sanders didn't beat Hillery or Biden in the primaries. Sanders wasn't on onboard with the WEF's plans, like Hillary was and he couldn't be controlled like Biden is.

Trump wasn't trying to steal anything, he just wanted democracy to be allowed to make the decision of who the next president, not a group of international idiots who are pushing the Great Reset on us.
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"What is incoherent to you is you think everyone on the right is monolithic in their thinking." That's BS. Most of my friends and family are conservative leaning most still retain the ability to balance those values with what can only be described as Dem values. They're centrists - not extremist - in their views, which is why we can have rational discussions about various different political perspectives.

There's no way Trump ever should have been allowed to become the GOP nomimee in 2016. His reputation for duplicity, con-artistry and corruption was well known - internationally - back in the 90s. What does it say about a political party that knowingly endorses such a person and continued to enable all his abuses & corruptions for four straight years?

Trump most definitely tried to steal the 2020 election - after legimately losing such - by every means possible, going so far as to attempt a 'self coup' because his ego can't handle being seen as a loser. The man belongs in prison, along with every co-conspirator that tried to facilitate such.
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Good for you. Your friends and family are left leaning Republicans.

"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue" Barry Goldwater. You need to understand that the justice to which Goldwater was referring was NOT social justice. It was not economic or environmental or any other justice than legal justice. The word justice gets thrown around by Marxists all the time to justify unethical and immoral acts. BTW "Social Justice" was the name of a newspaper published in the early 20th century by the American Nazi Party. Social justice is a part of all Marxist regimes, including Nazism.

"There's no way Trump ever should have been allowed to become the GOP nomimee in 2016"

You need to listen re-read what you just said. Why sould any candidate for president who is a US citizen over the age of 35 NOT be *allowed* to run for president. Is this not the land of the free?

I was very disappointed that Trump won but there was one thing he said in his inaugural speech that no Democrat has said, probably, since Kennedy. Trump said he loved this country. He may or may not have meant it but the fact that he just said it took some of that disappointment away. I still never trusted him for the 4 years he was in office. He was a Democrat most of his life and some of the things he said came out of the Democrat Party. That worried me but fortunately he never enacted any of those policies.

I wanted Ted Cruz for president. He is by far the most honest and constitutionally minded candidate to get that close to winning the nomination the Republicans have had since Reagan. They've had other outstanding nominees, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Ron and Rand Paul, Alan West and Allen Keyes but none of them got as close to winning the nomination like Cruz.

Trump may have tried to stop the certification of Biden's inauguration but he didn't try to steal the presidency. That had already happened when Biden won by more fake votes then real votes.

You guys will call for a congressional "court" to try to fabricate evidence to crucify Trump but you won't lift a finger to investigate voter fraud. I can tell you right now that Trump did not instigate an insurrection. He called for peaceful protest. A riot was triggered by FBI operatives and that is all it was, a riot. Only about 300 people rioted although 800 were either charged with trespassing or indefinitely detained without ever being charged. It was not an insurrection.
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Just how many Republicans from Trump's own cabinet, his Campaign advisors, senior level appointees he placed in DOJ and DHS, State and Federal Judges he nominated, Governors and SoS in Republican states, etc, etc, each of which have made public pronouncements declaring Trump lost fair and square, will it take for you to finally admit you were conned into believing total BS?

There were 64 lawsuits Trump lost, many of which were ruled on by Judges he appointed. In not a single case was there ever any actual evidence that substantiated the claims being made.

When those cases failed in the courts, Trump et al went to Plan B; establishing fake electors in the swing states and submitting fraudulent documentation of their votes to both Congress and the Native Archives. Plan C was to get Pence to illegally declare them valid , tossing out the certified legitimate elector counts, only Pence refused to go along with that plan. Plan D was to obstruct and delay the reading and counting of the votes on January 6th in an effort to try to cause vote casting to be thrown back to each state, with each State granted one vote a piece. Given there are more Republican run states than Dem states, they expected to gain a victory via that method. Plan E - the Stop the Steal rally - was the backup plan to that in case it didn't work out.

Trump fully intended for the crowd to march on the Capitol that day - prior to the event - as evidenced by his draft tweet preserved by the National Archives that stated: "“I will be making a Big Speech at 10 a.m. on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the steal!” He wanted the crowd to storm the Capitol and force Congress to do his bidding.

For 186 minutes after the crowd broke down the barracades and swarmed the Capitol, Trump did absolutely, other than watch the events unfold on TV, entirely gleeful by what he was seeing and at times, rewinding and replaying segments of it. He couldn't understand how others around him weren't as excited as he was.

There's actually evidenciary proof to all the foregoing; something that Trump et al have NEVER ONCE been able to produce in court with regards to their sham election fraud claims.
1 up, 2y
Here's the thing. I don't care if Donald Trump came out and said the election was fair and square. I don't even care if Trump ever runs against and if he does and there is a better candidate I will vote for the better candidate.

I don't care that those 64 lawsuits, most of them were dismissed without hearing any evidence, failed.

I am not basing my belief that it was rigged on what Trump said. I don't care how many Republicans tell me the election was fair, I'm not a Republican.

I base my opinion on the history of voter fraud in the Democrat Party. And there's probably some in the Republican Party but I haven't seen it.

I'm basing it on the compliance the Democrats have with the UN, the WEF and IMF. I don't care about the illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the whatever conspiracy theory. I do, however, care about what the UN, the WEF and the IMF are doing and why it was important to them to put someone in office in order to facilitate the Great Reset. That was supposed to have been Hillary in 2016.

Trump got in because they didn't plan the results of the 2016 election to account for the electoral college. I knew then that they would not allow Trump to win reelection.

And now we are seeing the Great Reset happening right before our eyes, with unchecked inflation, government caused disruptions in the supply chain and more shortages on the way.

Cattle farmers in Texas are all trying to sell off their cattle because of the drought in Texas. They don't have water for them so they are selling them before they die of dehydration. That's not a planned occurrence like much of the other shortages but it's going to cause beef prices to skyrocket. The drought is not just in Texas, it's all over the western states where most of our cattle are raised.

The UN, the WEF, and the IMF are really pushing hard the urgency of climate change. They believe that the planet will uh .. change its climate? They used to call it global warming but when the planet didn't cooperate with their plans they changed it to climate change. Who knows what the crisis du jour is today. But they must implement a new global 21st century fascist regime our the planet will do something, something very bad. The climate will change and summer might become fall and that is bad.

China and Russia are both 100% on board with the Great Reset and they own Biden. They rigged the election to put their guy in office.
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FYI... nothing discloses one's educational or political ignorance more than their repeated inability to correctly spell and/or utilize proper grammatical frameworks in their utterances.
1 up, 2y
FYI mi lac ov propper spelng haz nothin' too du wth mi ablitee tu articulate. It just means I don't proof read my comments before posting the comment.
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You know something isn't right when they have explicit video evidence and don't charge the guy...
1 up, 2y
Republican political operatives - 50 years post Nixon - have yet to learn historical lessons from the past with respect to engaging in criminal activities to retain power at any cost .
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