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1,373 views 9 upvotes Made by Makane_Kazuma 2 years ago in Role_Play
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[Current Character: YouTube Cam.]
*I get up and dust myself off.*
Sorry, I was on my phone.
*I continue walking down the sidewalk.*
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???: What's that?
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Worker Defense Force. Uzi's army.
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???: Oh. Alright.
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Yeah, I had gotten on her bad side.
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???: Sucks for her
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Yeah, for me too, cause I gotta deal with the WDF and Destroyed drones.
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???: Oh, sorry
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Its alright.
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???: You sure? I could help.
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Its alright, I got friends on guard, plus, she's on Wolf 1016c.
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???: Oh alright-...
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*A little red laser is seen at my leg.*
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???: Hey there's a laser on your leg
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So there is.
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???: What is that?
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WDF Drone trying to kill me.
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???: Oh- Okay-
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*A rifle is fired and the laser disappears.*
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???: Woah-
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Yeah, I can't fend for myself, so somebody has go be protecting me.
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???: Oh. I fend for myself pretty well
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My only weapon is a flare gun.
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???: A flare gun still helps
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I mean, it just burns things, it also keeps Disassembly Drones at bay.
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???: Cool. I have my own things to protect myself.
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I just have my life to protect.
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???: Oh, I meant MYSELF as in me. I don't really have anyone or anything to protect
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I see. I'm actually able to be the medic in the field.
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???: Oh, nice!
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I'm also a high value target to the WDF
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???: Nice.
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Yeah, talk to you later.
*I walk away.*
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???: Bye-!
0 ups, 2y
See ya around.
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(any rp?)
James: *grabbed her and, got up, then let go* thank you... might I say, you have beautiful hair....
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Makane: You don't hate me-?
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James: ... no? i'm just intrested on why this demon stays with you...
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Demon: She's my vessel. Duh.
*An Angel appears as well* And mine-
*The Angel would drag the demon next to Makane, causing them to vanish*
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James: ... huh
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Makane: You really dont hate me...? Everyone does once they see that.
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James: no, I don't hate you
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Makane: *She smiles and hugs him* Thank you.
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James: *a tiny bit of blush* heh... you're welcome
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Makane: *She stops hugging him* You're a great person, you know?
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James: well, I try my best to be... I don't see how people don't like you
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Makane: This place is really cool. Then again I live outside
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Static: oh?... well, you can live with me...
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Makane: Oh no it's okay. I dont want to be a burden
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James: It's fine, I dont have another bed, so either, you can sleep on the couch... or... next to me... *he had a tiny blush that quickly passed* what ever seems more comfortable...
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Makane: Hm...I don't know. I could just sleep on the floor, I don't want to take either.
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James: ... uh.... okay... that's fine... you want me to get you a pillow?
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Makane: No, I'll be okay. I don't want to take anything, I'm simply a guest.
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James: you can live here if you want...
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Makane: Really? If that's so I could sleep on the couch. I don't want to take up your bed.
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James: yea... it's fine by me
???: and if you get hurt, I can show you what I was programed to do
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Makane: "You'll be waiting for a while."
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James: the entire night?
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Makane: "I dunno. Do I look like a clock to you?"
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James: no, but there's a clock above you
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Makane: "It was sarcasm, James."
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James: I know, I was playing along
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Makane: "Ughhh-" *She uncovered her face* "The sarcasm helped a bit"
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James: good, now I can do this *kissed her on the lips*
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James: *had more blush than before* ... I think I should check on Static and Stasis..
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Makane: Nothing.
*There was nothing behind him*
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James: o-...okay
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*The book she's holding starts floating*
Makane: This mother- *Tries to grab the book*
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James: ... Is there something that I can't see messing with you?
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Makane: Nope. Perfectly fine.
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James:.... oooookay...
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"Let me reveal myself and you can have your book back"
Makane: No way in hell.
"There actually are ways in hell-"
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Static: *gone, charging*
James: ... uh
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*A demon-like figure appears in the air holding the book, looking a lot like Makane*
Makane: -____-
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James: *slowly takes a sip of his coffee from before* hm... still warm *takes another sip*
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Makane: "S p e c i f i c R e a s o n s -"
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James: what kind of specific reasons?
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James: I’m just curious…
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Makane: "I have my reasonsss-" *She was clearly flustered*
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James: … do you like me?
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Makane: "AhaIhavetogowatermyfish-"
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James: … you said that like it was one word… AND HOW DO YOU WATER A FISH?!? ITS ALREADY IN WATER!
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Makane: "Idunnologicisweird-"
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James: once again, said it as a single word, I’m guessing I was correct?
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Demon and Angel: *Appear* W e D i d -
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Static: *had a little glitch when they appeared* ... wha.....
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*They disappear*
Makane: Don't ask-
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Static: a-... okay...
*there was some hammering and drilling in the background*
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Makane: *Doesn't really mind it*
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Static: *watching tv... on his head?*
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Makane: That's really cool
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Static: hm? *paused it* what is it?
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Makane: How you can watch TV on your head like that.
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Static: because I have a tv for a head...
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Makane: "Youshould-"
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James: *got up, and went to where Static and Stasis were*
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Makane: *She just casually floated bc flustered smh*
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James: *came back* there fine....
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Makane: Don't worry, if I get hurt, I'll be fine.
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???: oh...
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Makane: I've been hurt a lot before. But it doesn't matter. *She sits down on the couch*
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James: you wanna watch TV? *sat down next to her*
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Makane: Sure! What show do you have in mind?
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James: hmm... true crime stories?
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Makane: Sure. Sounds nice.
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James: *turns on a true crime show* *they binged it for hours straight, before James fell asleep*
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Makane: *She smiled and stood up, letting him sleep, then sat on the floor*
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???: *he sat on the floor next to her* so... I know I haven't gotten to introduce myself so, I am Project Static, or you could just call me Static.
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(Erp is a no)
???: Why thank you!
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(didn't plan on doing Erp, so okay)
James: so... I best be going back to my workshop... you are welcome tocome with me
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???: Sure! I have nothing else to do!
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James: okay... *he starts walking* It is gonna be cluttered with papers, blueprints, and other things... good thing a have something at home that can help with it
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???: I could help out too.
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James: oh, well, thanks... may I ask, what is your name?
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???: I'm Makane!
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James: well, nice to meet you Makane
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Makane: Nice to meet you as well. What is your name?
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James: My name is James Wood
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Makane: I think every girl I meet, robot or not, is pretty!
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Stasis: well, that's... still fine- I feel like I need some clothes...
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Makane: Oh. James should be back to give you some in a minute.
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Stasis: oh, okay
James: *came in* Static's fine, he just couldn't handle it for a short moment, he's cooling down now, also, *he was holding some clothes, and gave them to Stasis* you can have these
Stasis: well, thanks *she put the clothes on*
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Makane: Told you-
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Stasis: *now in a white long sleeve shirt, and black pants* huh
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Makane: It looks good on you.
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Stasis: thanks!
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Makane: No problem!
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Stasis: so... what now?
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Makane: Thanks for letting me stay here by the way. You're a nice person to talk to
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James: your welcome, and... thanks, you to!
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Makane: Thanks! *Laughs a little bit*
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Static: *walked in* hey
James: *hid the blueprint*
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Makane: *Smiles* Hey Static.
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Static: finished charging, and cleaned up a little back there...
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Makane: That's good.
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James: I'm gonna go work on something real quick, *pulls out a blueprint, rolled up, the one he showed Makane before Static walked in*
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Makane: Oh okay-
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Static: *sat down on the other side of Makane* so... what happened when I was charging?
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Makane: Nice to meet you. I'm Makane
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Static: so... you dont have a home?
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Makane: *Shakes her head* Parents kicked me out.
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Static: hm... why so?
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Makane: ...Reasons
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Static: mm... okay
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Makane: *Lies down on the floor and closes her eyes* I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.
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Static: *got up, and she could hear the servos and other thing activate to let him move, and she wonders how a robot is able to move and think on it's own*
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Makane: *She put the thoughts to rest as she fell asleep*
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*the next morning, Makane can hear Static moving around, while James sleeps*
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Makane: *She stood up and leaned against a wall, taking a book out from God knows where*
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James: ... what...
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Makane: Hm? Something wrong?
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James: where did you get that book?
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Makane: Somewhere-
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James: where?
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Makane: I said somewhere.
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James: but what it this somewhere?
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*a voice behind him speaks* "Stop asking questions."
Makane: *Makes a motion for the voice to shut up*
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James: ...... what was that
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Makane: No idea :P
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(sorry forgot what happened)
Static: *walked in* sorry for my little mishap... I'm relatively okay...
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Makane: Hey, it's happened to all of us.
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static: *sat down on the floor, cause the couch was full*
James: well... *thinking* what to do, what to do......
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Makane: *She sat on the floor* You can take my spot Static.
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Static: I'm fine here, you stay comfy on the couch
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Makane: No, I insist!
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Static: I don't have as many needs as you, and plus, you were living alone until James found you, you deserve it more.
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Makane: *She shook her head* You have the spot
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James: *visibly annoyed* you can both sit on the floor, if you want...
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Makane: Seems easy to remember. Honestly I forget easily
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*they get there, and James unlocks and opens the door for Makane*
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Makane: Thank you. *She would walk in and snicker about something*
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James: ... why did you laugh?
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Makane: Come inside and you'll see. *She smiles*
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James: *walks in*
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*Everything in the workshop was completely organized, not at all messy*
Makane: Told ya I could help!
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James: ... what
???: *was holding a paper, about to put it up* ... how...?
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Makane: I never reveal my secrets. *She winked and skipped around the workshop*
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James: ... u-... okay...
???: *put the paper with the pile, and sat down on the couch*
(his workshop is also his house)
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Makane: *She sensed the annoyance in his voice* Sorry...just trying to be nice..
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James: *sounding less annoyed now* it's... it's okay, I just don't like to argue, so I find the easiest way to get out of them... sorry if I hurt your feelings...
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Makane: Eh...I'm used to it...
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James: *under his breath* that just shows one of the reasons we took you in for refuge...
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Makane: Hm?
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James: I said "That just shows one of the reasons we took you in for refuge"...
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Makane: Makes sense
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Static: ...does anyone want lunch? (not going off of irl time)
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Makane: No thanks.
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James: same here
Static: okay
Stasis: *came into the living room* hey
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Makane: *Sits up, rubbing her eyes*
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Static: *came in, with a cup of coffee* oh, you are awake, *sets the cup of coffee on the coffee table next to the couch*
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Makane: Yeah, I honestly thought I'd sleep more, considering I haven't for 2 days.
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Static: oh...
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Makane: Eh, it's okay.
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Static: well, I usually run until my battery gets low, then I just plug my charger into my head, and just relax, so... I still have a little trouble learning more human sleep patterns...
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Makane: I just don't think I deserve sleep
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Static: why so?
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Makane: I'm a f**king mistake-
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Static: no you're not
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Makane: *Realization* "aH- FIVJSJGHF-"
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James: *laughing a little*
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James: I'm sorry, but to me, it's funny
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Makane: *She just hid her flustered face*
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James: *moved what she was covering her face with and kissed her on the forehead* you don't have to hide...
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Makane: "aH-" *Hide*
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James: what will make you not hide...?
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James: oookay, i'll just wait
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Makane: Wow! You're really talented!
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James: thanks... I'm gonna go check on Static *walked into the room Static was in* If you and to turn her on, there's a small switch on the back on her head
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Makane: Ooo! *Walks over and flips the switch*
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Stasis: *the eyes turned on, and they were rose colored, compared to Statics teal LEDs* ... hey... *she had a very soft voice*
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Makane: Hello! *She smiled*
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Stasis:, who are you?
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Makane: I'm Makane, nice to meet you.
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Stasis: I'm Stasis, nice to meet you too
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Makane: You're really pretty.
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Stasis: well... for a robot.. thats saying a lot
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Makane: They see me as a freak.
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James: well, I've seen a lot of strange things... and a lot of them don't compare to you, yet they don't see them as monsters
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Makane: Well, still thank you. *She smiles sweetly*
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James: *he smiled back, with a tiny bit of blush*
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Makane: *She sits down next to him on the couch and reads*
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James: *pulls out a blueprint of what looks like a female Static*
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Makane: *Looks at it* That looks cool-
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James: *whispering* I was thinking of experimenting with the emotional receptors of Static, so, I thought, instead of just bringing people over, you weren't part of that, I made this days before our encounter, and just make something that could relate to him directly...
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Makane: Oh! That makes sense. It's pretty smart too! *Smiles*
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James: oh... thanks *thinking* I never really have had anyone around, so her company is pretty nice...
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Makane: Hello!
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Stasis: I was just charging, sorry it took me so long
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Makane: No need to be sorry. *She smiled*
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Stasis: ... has anyone ever told you that you have a lovely smile?
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Makane: Thank you! I appreciate the compliment!
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Stasis: well, you are very welcome! *she was happy*
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Makane: *She giggled* I'm so happy met all of you! *She looked at James* Especially you :]
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James: Why especially me?
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Makane: "Reasons."
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James: ... ooookay... what reasons?
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Makane: Yes, I am.
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Static: what makes you thing you are?
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Makane: My family
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Static: ... well, you don't wanna let other people bring you down, you only need to focus on the good in life, you finally have someone that cares for you, and now you have a place to stay in, your family may matter to you, but even when they are turning there backs on you, that's when you should know that you should leave, instead of letting them feel like they have power over you.
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Makane: Alright...
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James: ... I heard that entire thing...
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Makane: ...*Just stays silent*
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James: ... so... uh... what do you wanna do?
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Makane: Like I know.
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James: yea... kinda expected that... *layed back down*
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Makane: Yeah! It's cool! *She would look in the direction James went, seeing if he was done yet*
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James: *peaking out of the door* *waves* *mouths* almost ready
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Makane: *Nods*
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James: *goes back in, and there's a few more drilling sounds, then he comes out, pushing a cart with something covered in a white cloak*
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Makane: *Looks at it with a big smile*
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Static: what is this?
James: something that you'll like *winks to Makane*
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Makane: *Laughs a little bit*
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Static: *waiting*
James: *pulls the sheet off, revealing a powered off female Static* I call her Stasis
Static: *tiny glitch, and what looks like blush?* *coughs* excuse me *got up, and walked to a different room*
James: ... seems the shape alone got him...
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Makane: Pfffft- she is a pretty robot though. *smiles*
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James: thanks!, worked... a couple weeks on it?
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Makane: "Nowhywouldyouthinkthat?"
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James: because you keep saying things as if it was one collective word
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Makane: "Thatdoesntmeananything"
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James: oooookay
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Makane: "Hmph-" *Pout*
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James: heh, don’t worry, I have a little bit of a crush on you as well *little blush*
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Makane: "wHAT-"
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James: yea…
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James: since the first hours I met you.... you remember when I said you could sleep in my bed if you wanted?
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