Ok lol, but here’s how I see it.
In the format of a standard trainer battle only two Pokémon can be out in the field, yours and the opposing Pokémon. If this was the case, the trainer really only needs a bad start to lose (bad matchup first battle or something)
Here are the direct type advantages:
Luxray (electric) ——> Tsunami
Garchomp (dragon) ——> everyone
Garchomp and Torterra (ground) ——> Glory (and if you want to count Sunny even though she’s missing the tail barb, I don’t for this reason)
If Floatzel knows Ice beam or Blizzard from a TM ——> everyone besides Tsunami (especially Clay and Sunny if we classify her has a ground type, the reason not Tsunami is water types have defense against ice so it wouldn’t be super effective, only effective because of the duel dragon type. For Clay, this means he takes quadruple the damage from an ice type move because of the duel ground and dragon type, kind of like Garchomp and Flygon.)
Staraptor ——> Starflight (if we classified nightwings as dark types, that however is a stretch and it’s likely nightwings will only be dragon types in this case, or Psychic in the case of Moon or someone with mind reading abilities)