Disturbing facts 2; Clocks can run out of battery. Remotes can run out of battery in 1 month. Global Clicker is getting spammed in clicks and has got 1 billion clicks in a year. In nights, You get a 20% chance to see an unlucky block. In Uncanny phase 9 becoming uncanny, Phase 4 is the blacked out eyes version. Uncanny phase 9 in uncanny phase 9 is glitched that you will die in 1 year. Reversing videos of Ryan's world means that Ryan only cries. When uncanny was made, everyone was almost jumpscared. Uncanny phase 20 is scary and the origin is lighter, but it said that you will die. Your dog might eat your head when you're dead. You can't breathe when you block your nose. Deaf means Death. Drinking radioactive water means that you die. Phase 11 of uncanny meme is the throw a boomerang. The real text is this phase is: 4) Live in constant fear. In Google Play, Minecraft rates are 1 star and reported. In xbox parties, There's a stupid message saying: (We couldn't find microphones from those people.); Xbox chats get 1% chance of your very long message not working. The Nokia vs Samsung vs iPhone Battery meme is actually real in real life. Living in Uygur (Xinjiang) is this phase when you live in the Chinese state. There is 0 people in Tibet. All the countries actually explored the the missing Okhotsk Sea. Cavemans survive 1 second.