Wasteland looked directly into her eyes, despite being blind. He pulled out a cigar, lighting it before putting it in his mouth. He didn't really care if it was a no smoking area or not, he probably didn't even see the sign, nor know what a no-smoking area even was. He had a sort of cape of what seemed like reptilian hide. Whatever creature the hide belonged to was massive. He wore his typical dirty brown cowboy hat, which had grains of sand resting in it. He had a reddish brown jacket, which was old and worn, and equally worn pants to match. He had big old brown boots, with spurs on the heels. His eyes were grayish white, several scars on his face depict that he was blinded by some animal attack. He stared at the woman, thinking of a way to discreetly kill them. He's more of an upfront, pull out the revolver and pull the trigger sort of way, but he can do this.