SO, judging by the fact that She was somehow jealous (wich i dont even know why, go get yourself somebody, and screw off.) But anyways, She finaly said to me not to go around with an *ahum* N-word. OOOOKAY, to be honest, if your like that, be that way, but im not stupid enough to say: ´HmMM, YeS, Let Me EnD It ReAl QuICk BEcaUSE SHe Is An SLigHtLy DifFrenT COloR.´ no, im not the guy who would say that, and got a little upset, and uhhh, i might have said some nasty things back, and she just send me an message that i was ´on her blacklist´. Huh. odd. idk some people could have a gun to school since everytime by some lessons the bags get often checked if somthing is reported to the school personnel, so good luck trying to make me die or something, but aint gonna happen. so, thats the part that some people want me dead, and now, ill go on to ivy herself.