Yeah, and I'd like leftist-libtards to do an in-depth study as to why they 'think' they can employ Saul Alinsky's commified tactics against conservatives, but when The Right uses these selfsame tactics against them, the leftists squeal like stuck pigs "IT'S SOOOOOO HURTFUL".
One avenue of possible research would be whether The Left are born hypocrites, or was it necessary for the commie teachers and professors to actually train them. Of course, this study would not be complete without discovering why it is leftards are so firmly convinced that everyone who fails to conform to their socialist standards "are just like Hitler"! Yeah, I gots me a feeling you and I are both gonna be disappointed, but for slightly different reasons.
As for your hero, anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear (and at least half of a functioning brain to process the data), knows full well SloJoe is at least halfway to becoming a mental vegetable, and while this will no doubt be soooooo hurtful to hear, neither veggies nor Alzheimer 'tards really qualify as sentient, as that requires a level of self-awareness and neural activity they are incapable of. Just think of both as six-month old mindless fetuses, in desperate need of aborting...if it helps ease your pain.