-Bunni does not eat the crust of pizza
-Sex Master almost burned down her house once trying to make macaroni
-Doug has made a deal with the demigods of smoking to never have damaged lungs
-Bunni is the 321,478th nicest person in the universe
-Bunni would gladly hug a stranger if they needed it
-Catt would punch a baby for 652 dollars
-Xhdisc secretly keeps every stuffed animal Tanie buys for him
-Despite being around since the beginning of everything, The Sun actually enjoys just watching shit happen
-Glfiya is rarely seen without a burrito
-Banblob smells like wet socks dipped in Nutella
-Bunni's favorite kind of lunchable is nachos
-Catt has won 3 hotdog eating contests and proudly keeps the trophies in her room
-blfiya unironically enjoys arby's
-Bad OC Hell currently has Vesp, Gary, and Dot in it