Bravo team should consist entirely of skeletons; zombie bites are ineffective. Alpha team should focus on member of the American Association of University Professors. Professors are the spawn point guardians. There will be large groups of zombies primarily around the professors in the political science, Law, MBA-HR, 'Cultural' Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Law. Alpha should focus on those departments, and not be distracted.
Beta team might be needed as re-enforcements for the primary incursion. They will be required for the mass hordes of zombies protecting the celebrities, politicians, and 'journalists'. Charlie should consists of snipers, assuming clear shots can be ascertained. Delta team, should be at defcon 3 with nukes.
Eventually we will find out who asked, "is eating racist?", The politician the said yes. The celebrity that endorsed the politician, and the academic creating hordes who can't be argued with.