Facts that you didn't Learned; Today is DogePro's Second Anniversary; 1 in 2 Fathers are 25 Years Old; Men(including Me)Can be Pregnant; The Brazillian EAS Alarm reminds You of "You're going to Brazil"; The Sun has Already Shot the Earth in 2012; There is a High Chance of a Family being Born in a War; We are Closer to 2050 instead of 1990; 1 in 1K Doctors can takeover Your Jobs(Even If You Are a YouTuber; A Boomerang can Kill over an Average of 100 People; The song"Daisybell" is A Computer song from 1990.That's Why they used it for LvL Fun in the Backrooms; An Average Person who Is a YouTuber Can Only Survive 30.234 Years; The Golden Sandbox requires Death; 1 in 88 Deaths are Suicide; Your DNA Would Collapse after you Play a Full game of Chess; A Mr Beast Member Scared of Pickles(Do you Scared of Pickles?); There's a High hance that WW3 Could happen Soon in 2023; Zipline is A Torture Method(Or No?); Scratch can Take over Fun; There is an Upcoming Event called Lightbulb Rain; An Astornaut could Be A Rebel; Trinadad and Tobago is 99999999999999 times Stronger than Russia; Saudi Arabia can Take over Persia; All tunnels in the World Sends Us to North Korea