Thanks for describing this incident accurately. Obviously any sort of violence directed against either a pro-life or pro-choice facility is wrong. The right to choose means the right to choose, period, and life is a valid choice. Women should be able to get care from these facilities too.
From what I know, overall, attacks on pro-life facilities are quite rare compared to those on pro-choice facilities, and are less intense. My article references a running list of doctors who have been assassinated. Not aware of anything like that on the other side targeting pastors, or whomever.
There are also way more of these pro-life “crisis pregnancy centers” across the country. With more targets to choose from, you’d think the “pro-life” clinics would be more frequently targeted as a result, but in fact the exact opposite is true.
There’s a coordinated campaign to shutter pro-choice clinics across the country through violence, intimidation, as well as “legal” means, and it’s succeeding.