It's not disambiguation. It's reality. People have been trading things around for a long time. It was literally called "trade and barter", and it benefitted everyone so long as things were kept fair and bad deals were dealt with.
In a fair market as intended, *both people* get what they want. But with capitalism as intended, one side always wins and the other loses and that's considered normal.
Capitalism was invented about the same time as the industrial revolution to take advantage of the new era of wealth that was coming from an ever-increasing consumer market, and quickly ushered in the problems in the workforce and the market that plague us to this day by re-applying things like serfdom and slavery under a new banner.
It was literally designed to take advantage of an inherently fair system and glorify unfairness as cleverness. It's a set of bully's rules designed to make sure the bully wins a game that doesn't even exist without further manipulation from the bully.
Capitalists would like to keep telling everyone including themselves that the downright predatory thing that is capitalism was always the market, but the fact of the matter is, they're lying to themselves and everyone else.