eyyy "happy family" in the 50s:
dad owns car, goes to work. wife stays at home, basically stranded unless she takes her kids somewhere until dad comes home since car drive is some 30 minutes away from where anything is. either that, or dad slaves away to maintain 2 cars.
kids can't go outside unless their mom goes with them. not even to the nearby playground. the nearest place for good food is in the city near where dad works, but is inaccessible by car. outside in the suburban area is insufferable with levittown copy-paste houses everywhere. oh well, at least there's the tv, which just plays sanitized, completely-censored media 24/7. as a result, kids either grow up with mental abnormalities or become complete npcs unable to think critically.
dad is stuck in traffic most his life. his grandfather grew up riding the electric trolley to work, and didn't need a new fangled, completely arbitrary "automobile." car-centric lifestyle akin to those living in south africa or southeastern europe, but with an air-conditioned house with a tv to superficially cover up the third-world style of living.
but the meme says they're happy, so it's obviously true :)