How to allegedly Play a multiplayer Murder Game, with Pretend Friends & Potential Bullies
1. Step one. Open ANTI-Social Menu
2. Step two. Choose Pretend Friends from List. From here, choose Bullies you wish to invite that might get competitive, and jealous, and turn on you on a dime. Just to mentally torture you and TOY with your fragile adolescent Psyche, and introspectively perceived Manhood, while in it's most vulnerable and developmentally fragile stage.
3. Step three. Opt to join bullies, or invite pretend friends you've never met in person, and whom do not have your best intentions, nor emotional well being in mind
What is allegedly the WORST thing that could go wrong in this highly NURTURING environment?
LORD OF THE FLIES, allegedly self actualized.
The simulator allegedly is more like developing a Platoon without a Sargent, with only emotional Soap Bars to drop into pillow cases and have a blanket party. Develop the Desire. Develop the Ghana.