RICK & MORTY: The Whole
Story Finally Explained
Thus Far In The Saga:
(Retold By SimoTheFinlandized
- (c) 2021 CE)
"Rick and Morty" is a show
that includes a lot of crazy
things like space, the
multiverse, and action-
packed adventures with
medium-to-high stakes.
However, at its core, the
series is actually about a
Let's start off with
Rick Sanchez, an alcoholic and
cynically-nihilist genius-level
scientist-engineer & inventor
with very deep general
intelligence and quite the
oblate Machiavellian ego, also
credited as the smartest man
in the universe. The series
opens with Rick having just
reunited with his adult
daughter, Beth Smith. Because
she's desperate for her dad's
seldom-given approval and
traumatized by him leaving in
the first place, Beth welcomes
his scientifically-induced
cynically-nihilistic dysfunction
into the home she shares
with her husband, Jerry Smith,
a perpetually down-on-his-luck
beta-class male who is (to
put it politely) nowhere nearly
close to Rick's level of super-
intelligence. Together, Beth
and Jerry have two kids. Their
eldest daughter, Summer, is
in many ways the average
American teenage high-school
girl. She's worried about
fashion, her friends, and the
various boys she likes at her
school. However, what sets
her apart from the rest of her
peers is how utterly unfazed
she needs to be by her
parent's failing marriage and
her grandpa's high-risk
space-faring adventures.
Finally, that brings us to Morty,
the youngest in the family and
Rick's greatest ally in his
maddening adventures. Prior
to Rick's arrival, Morty was a
troubled kid charting well
below average at his school.
A big reason why could have
to do with his crippling crush
on a girl named Jessica. After
Rick showed up, though, none
of that really changed, but
Morty's life got very
The first episode of the series
opens with Morty falling asleep
at the breakfast table after a
drunk Rick kept him up the
night before with threats to
restart humanity with a
neutrino bomb. And things
just get crazier from there.
Shockingly (note the sarcasm),
Morty's parents worry that
Rick's hijinx with their son
are having unhealthy affects
on him, particularly at school
where they acknowledge he
may be developing slower
than his peers. However, an
indifferent Rick takes Morty
out of school that day for an
adventure, introducing the
audience to his famous
portal gun. In short, Rick's
greatest invention is a
handheld device that allows
him to travel anywhere in
space. It can also travel
between the infinite alternate
dimensions that run
throughout existence. So,
while Rick can't travel in time,
he can travel in different
timelines. The show doesn't
shy away from the impact that
traveling multiple universes
can have on even a
super-genius' mind. It's
revealed in episode one that
it's hard for Rick to relate to
other people, even his family,
because he knows that the best
and worst versions of himself
exist in infinite realities. The
adventure goes horribly, and
it's pretty traumatic for Morty,
who breaks his legs and is
forced to murder several
Gromflomite officers (more on
them later). When it's over, Rick
explains to Beth and Jerry that
traveling with him is the only
way a mind like Morty's is
going to catch up in school.
However, that proves to be a
lie, exposing Rick's selfishness
for the first time.
Because it embraces the
nihilism of interdimensional
travel, most episodes of Rick
and Morty deal with
self-contained stakes. They
can always step through one
of Rick's portals and be back
home in time for dinner.
However, that doesn't mean
all of their adventures go off
without a hitch. In episode six,
things go terribly awry when
Morty's crush on Jessica
becomes overwhelming. He
asks his grandpa if there's
anything he can create to
make her like him. Although
Rick thinks his grandson is
being creepy, he acquiesces
and presents Morty with a
potion of sorts that will make
her fall in love. However,
there's a drawback in the
event she has the flu.
Coincidentally, Morty uses it
on Jessica at the annual Flu
Season Dance, and it causes
her to spread an
uncontrollable virus that
makes people aggressively in
love with Morty, regardless of
gender, age, or status. So Rick
makes two attempts to
produce an airborne solution
to the problem that not only
makes it spread globally,
but it mutates everyone into
hideous monsters that Rick
offhandedly labels
"Cronenbergs." And this is
where it gets complicated. To
escape the issue, Rick
transports Morty and himself
to a nearly identical version of
that timeline where a different
Rick and Morty both die in a
freak accident after the
other-Rick successfully solves
the Cronenberg problem.
Together, our "heroes" bury
their own corpses and rejoin
this alternate version of Earth
as if nothing ever happened.
As for the reality they left
behind? Rick's advice is, "Don't
think about it."
Despite its mind-bending
awfulness, the Cronenberg
Incident briefly saves the Smith
household. As mentioned, "Rick
And Morty" is nothing if not a
show about a family. However,
this family has a lot of
problems with deep-seated
roots in Beth and Jerry's
marriage, and everything is
thrust out into the open in
episode eight after Rick gets
frustrated at The
Bachelor and upgrades the
family cable box with wacky
channels from every possible
dimension. While that leads
to funny commercials for
movies like "Two Brothers,"
it also gives them a glimpse
into a world in which Jerry is
as famous as Tom Hanks. So
while Rick and Morty sit on the
couch and watch trashy TV, the
rest of the family decides to
watch what alternate,
seemingly happier versions
of themselves are doing. It
becomes clear that Jerry and
Beth have lived their personal
dreams in a world where they
never got pregnant with
Summer. While her parents
wonder if their continued
marriage is a good thing for
anyone involved, Summer
prepares to run away from
home, having seen what her
existence does to them.
However, Morty stops her by
sharing the fact that he's her
brother from a different reality.
He's able to convince her that
her existence, like everything
else, is neither a burden nor
an asset — it all means
nothing. Meanwhile, Beth
and Jerry see themselves get
back together in their
otherwise happy alternate
timeline and agree to stay
married. With that, everyone
watches trash TV.
In each alternate reality, Rick
Sanchez is usually the smartest
man in the universe. And in
episode ten, it's explained that
enough Ricks found themselves
across the multiverse and
developed a highly-advanced
dimension-spanning society
made up entirely of Ricks from
other universes and their
Mortys. Together, they live on
a giant floating space citadel.
However, the Rick that viewers
follow in the show (Rick from
universe C-137) hates the idea
of joining a group and would
prefer being his own unique
version of himself. The Council
Of Ricks is introduced when it's
revealed that a Rick from
another dimension has
framed C-137 Rick for the
murder of 27 alternate
dimension Ricks. C-137 is
arrested by the Council for
the crimes and subsequently
escapes. That's where Morty
learns that Rick's genius gives
off a very distinct brainwave
pattern that makes it easy for
his various enemies to track
him. But one way to stop that
from happening is to stand
near someone with, as Rick
puts it, "complimentary
brainwaves" that he calls
"Morty waves." This reveals
that traveling with Morty is a
selfish necessity for Rick.
Soon after, the super-genius
finds an evil version of himself
has framed him and been
using Rick-less Mortys as
torture-fueled camouflage for
terrorist activity. C-137 Morty
stages a Morty rebellion, and
Evil Rick is killed. However, the
Council learns that Evil Rick's
Evil Morty was controlling the
situation the whole
time. Unfortunately, C-137
Rick and Morty aren't privy to
that information, and the
episode ends with Evil Morty
vanishing into the crowd at
the Citadel.
Rick's greatest enemy is the
Galactic Federation. Run
predominantly by a bug-like
alien race known as the
Gromflomites, the Galactic
Federation is comprised of
more than 6,000 Earth-like
planets in the Galaxy. The
Galactic Federation is a
promising beacon of order,
civilization, and stability
within the universe. Obviously,
these principles are grating to
someone like Rick, who quickly
becomes a known rebel, along
with his friends, Birdperson
and Squanchy. In the season
two finale, Birdperson invites
the Smiths to his wedding to
Summer's friend, Tammy.
There, he reveals that he and
Rick fought many battles
against the Federation and
committed many "atrocities"
for which they're wanted. And
that's when the Federation
launches an attack
orchestrated by Tammy, a
deep-cover Federation
operative who kills Birdperson
in the ensuing battle. (It would
later be revealed that
Birdperson was reborn as
some kind of cyborg.) Now
that his family have joined him
as a galactic fugitive, Earth is
no longer safe. When the
Smiths go into hiding, Rick
learns just how much of a
burden he's been to his
relatives. Under the guise of
going out for ice cream, Rick
call his location in to the
Federation on the condition
that his family be allowed to
go free. The Smiths are picked
up from their hiding place and
return to Earth, which is
actually thriving under
Federation rule. Meanwhile,
Rick is seen being locked away
in the bowels of the
Gromflomites' most secure
prison, with nothing but time
working against him as they
try to unlock his secrets.
Season three opens with Rick
inside of a Gromflomite
simulation generator as
they attempt to trick him into
giving up the secret to
interdimensional travel. The
machine is designed to use
Rick's memories against him
and allows the Gromflomites
to trigger thoughts about how
he invented his portal gun.
Instead of falling for their
trick, Rick flexes his genius
and fabricates an origin story
in place of an actual memory,
thus hacking the machine and
allowing him to switch bodies
with his alien interrogator.
Meanwhile, Morty and Summer
are picked up by the Council Of
Ricks after finding a Rick-less,
Federation-controlled Earth too
much to bear. Summer then
digs up the body of Rick from
the Cronenberg debacle and
uses his portal gun, which the
Council flags. When they
explain that their Rick had
been arrested by the
Federation, the Council
dispatches soldiers to
assassinate Rick C-137 once
and for all. They succeed, but
Rick has already switched
bodies. He then switches into
one of the assassin Ricks and
uses him to infiltrate the
Citadel. He teleports the city
into the same space as the
Federation prison, launching a
massive battle between his two
greatest enemies. He then
reunites with Morty and
Summer before executing
the last and final part of a plan
that began when he turned
himself in after the wedding.
Rick hacks into the Federation
mainframe and reduces the
value of its currency to zero.
Chaos ensues, and the
Federation falls within
minutes. Defeated, they leave
Earth, and Rick is able to return
home safely.
After defeating his enemies,
Rick's return to Earth is
anything but triumphant. It
was made clear in episode
one that coming back to his
daughter's life caused strain
on her tense family dynamic.
However, in the first episode
of season three, it becomes
apparent that Beth and Jerry's
marriage has been troubled
for quite some time. Rick
toppling the Federation
actually has an extremely
negative impact on Jerry,
who was thriving under a
government that valued
thoughtlessness. He realizes
that things have gotten much
worse for him now that Rick
has replaced him as the family
patriarch. Furious, Jerry makes
the tactical mistake of making
Beth choose between her
father and him. In short,
they openly discuss divorce
logistics for the first time.
Beth's abandonment issues
win out over any love and
affection she had for Jerry,
and the season three premiere
episode ends with them
informing Summer and Morty
that Jerry is moving out of the
house. Having just defeated the
Gromflomoties and the
Council, an arrogant Rick
confesses to Morty that this
was his grand plan all along.
Jerry and the Federation
wanted him gone, so he made
them both go away. The
remainder of the seasons
sees the kids dealing with the
divorce in their own unique
ways. Meanwhile, Jerry tries
his best to not let his
depression get the better of
him, including a messy
rebound with an alien
huntress that he met on an
interdimensional dating app
that Rick suggested. The only
one who continues to struggle
with the change is Beth, who
can't seem to find her place in
her now fully broken family.
After Rick returned to Earth,
he promptly put the battle
between the Federation and
the Council behind him. As he
and C-137 Morty go off on an
unseen adventure, season
three, episode seven takes
place entirely in the Citadel.
Reminiscent of The Wire, the
episode deals with the class
and wealth divide among the
various Ricks and Mortys that
live there. It's revealed that
some versions of Rick wind
up doing menial tasks to keep
the Citadel running.
Meanwhile, some Mortys
take a dark turn toward
crime while others thrive
without Ricks to guide them.
In a shocking twist, it's revealed
that Evil Morty has spent the
time since his last appearance
consolidating his power during
the rebuilding of the Citadel
after the Gromflomite battle.
He's adopted a working class
hero persona that's given him
enough popularity among the
Citadel's population to run for
president. Although his
candidacy is first considered a
joke due to the fact that he's a
Morty, Evil Morty manages to
give an impassioned speech
about the class divide in the
Citadel and becomes the first
democratically-elected Morty
president. However, when it's
revealed that a shadow
government exists within the
Council, Evil Morty promptly
dispatches all of the Ricks that
threaten his power. In short,
after being foiled by Rick and
Morty from Earth C-137, Evil
Morty's next move is to morph
the Council of Ricks into a
dictatorship and establish
himself as its figurehead.
While all that was happening
with Evil Morty, Rick was
dealing with a more
domestic issue. In the final
episode of season three, his
propensity to see past
traditional labels and power
dynamics puts Rick right in
the crosshairs of the President
of the United States. Always
one for an adventure, Rick
routinely takes calls from
the "most powerful" man in
the world because he feels
like Morty is enamored with
the idea of helping his country.
However, when even Morty
realizes that they've basically
become the president's
intergalactic exterminators,
they simply bail on a mission
from the commander-in-chief
in favor of playing Minecraft.
This raises serious questions
about the limits to Rick's
"power." Can he live in a world
that he will neither govern nor
be governed by? It may sound
like a deep question, but Rick
and Morty is nothing if not a
series of deep questions
delivered by way of fart jokes.
Anyway, the president is
desperate to prove that he
doesn't need Rick and Morty,
but he keeps coming up short
and becomes increasingly
erratic as he constantly loses
to Rick. Things devolve into a
literal fist fight with POTUS that
ends in a draw when Rick has
family issues arise. Realizing
that staying with his C-137
family on Earth means he
can't be a threat to national
security, Rick tricks the
president into thinking
things are good between
them. However, the question
of whether Rick's limitless
potential will make him a
villain to Earth one day
remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, season three sees
Beth struggling now that she
doesn't have her marriage to
blame for her unhappiness.
Although she has some
breakthroughs, such as
realizing she's more a
paternal figure to her kids
than a maternal one, she's
still at the end of her rope.
To help, Rick offers her the
chance to travel the galaxy
on her own terms, while a
clone version of herself stays
behind to take care of the
family. Unfortunately, this
doesn't help with her identity
crisis as now she has no clue
if she's physically herself or a
clone. Ironically, in trying to get
Jerry out of his daughter's life,
Rick pushes her right back to
him as he's the only one that
can help her understand if
she's really herself. Jerry uses
the opportunity to talk about
the first time that he told her
he loved her. Realizing that his
unconditional love is part of
who she is, she takes him back
and endeavors to rebuild her
family, without the
manipulative influence of Rick.
The only way to do that,
however, is to go into hiding.
Unfortunately, none of the
Smiths are smart enough to
hide from Rick, who arrives at
their hideout ready to
straight-up murder Jerry.
However, Beth puts her foot
down with her father for the
first time. The episode ends
with the often god-like Rick
trying to explain that Beth's
feelings are meaningless in a
limitless multiverse, but (in an
ominously out-of-character
move) he relents and yields his
position as the patriarch in
order to stay with his family.