Lyrics (Chinese English); Super Idol, Do my knee; Super Idol; Super Idol, Deja vu Do my knee; Su-per I-dol, Deja vu; Errrrrrrmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii; Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Cry); Kheeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr; Scha (Cry); Su-per I-dol, Deja-vu, Do-my-knee, The-trend, Bye shoe, Do your mom do my knee yoyo; SU-PER I-DOL, DO MY KNEE THE TREND BYE SHOE; I I I I I I I; Errrrrererereeeereeeeeree; (Nothing); (Nothing); (Nothing); (Nothing); (Nothing); Cherry to by ne Kha sh des b de by ne khan de ochha khera ne de khor na ne