Strange facts (part 2); The lungs are the only human organs that can float on water. Hawaiian pizza isn't actually Hawaiian. If you eat too much beetroot, your urine can turn pink. There's a tree in Australia which can leave you with a burning sensation for up to two years if you simply brush against it. You're not allowed to leave Turkmenistan until you're in your 40's. The rain on Venus is sulfuric acid, which dissolves everything. You can literally die from laughter. The Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, which was once the fourth largest lake in the world, is now mostly desert. Practising witchcraft is legal in Canada, but pretending to do so is a punishable offence. There's a one in a trillion chance that if you walk into a wall, your atoms miss it and you can noclip through. You're not allowed to own a goldfish in the United Kingdom until you're at least sixteen years old. An Australian woman almost went blind because she didn't remove her mascara. Tumours can grow hair and teeth. Every time you blink, someone dies. It's illegal to celebrate your birthday in public and/or with friends in Tajikistan. You have a one in 400,000,000,000,000 chance of being born. There's a medical condition known as locked-in syndrome where you can't talk or move your limbs, you can only move your eyes. Your phone contains more bacteria than a toilet seat. It's legal to marry a dead person in France. You could've seen someone for the last time today. If you were to try pick up the brain in its natural state, it would fall apart. When you see scientists pick up the brain, it's because they've used chemicals to harden it. Only six people are known to have survived rabies. If you commit a crime in North Korea, your whole family gets punished.